Monday- HOT!
Jane had a thermometer that showed 104F in the shade (Now I know why they call it hot pit).
Nate Kern (BMW Pro racer) was there showing off the new S1000RR and showing the blue group riders a thing or two on track. Nice guy. Any time you get a chance to say hello to Nate, do it. He is a wealth of information.

I was working with my one-on-one students for art of the day and got myself overheated despite sucking on liquids at every possible moment and finding air conditioning whenever possible. I recovered just in time to have an excellent meal Monday evening. Fun time hanging with everyone and bench racing.

Tuesday- Less hot
After Monday, Tuesday was downright comfortable, even though it was close to 90F. I worked with some folks one-on-one and saw some excellent improvement. Very satisfying for me and them.

I put in a few hot laps toward the end of the day and felt good. I stayed out even though my fuel light was on, because I was "in the Zone". Thankfully, I had enough to get back into the pits.
My last session was on the KTM RC8R. A different animal, for sure compared to my ZX6.