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New Guy on the board

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    New Guy on the board

    New to the board, Thanks to Stoneman who came to rescue me from the New England Sport Riders, I was a little out of place over there and my comments about riding un-welcome.. I have some bad habits, I love my motorcycle, I love to ride fast, I Love twisty roads. When I can't ride my bike I like to talk about riding my bike.. According to Stoneman, you guys won't beat me up because I like to ride on the fast side or mention it in my posts..

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  2. #2
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Center Barnstead, NH

    New Guy on the board

    Ditto what JC and Mike (MrViperGTS) said. I don't think we're getting a bad wrap over there, I think Dave was just making a point about people starting their own boards to suit their preferences. Dave's had nothing but good things to say to us since NESR started...

    The big difference with us is we WANT to hear about the fun every one has on their bikes. Add the fact that we post just about everything we do and throw in some whacky photos of us doing it sometimes gives the impression that we're nutz...

    And yeah, our rides have been a bit on the subdued side of things this year, but we're really pushing the membership angle and we don't wanna scare anyone away. Plus, I've been on TWO new bikes as of late and I'm not afraid to admit that it takes me a while to get comfy on a new ride...

    I'd also like to point out that while we're not a full season old, we have yet to have any one crash or get ticketed on any of our rides...

    None of this was done as a slap in the face to the FF's at SRNE. I've picked up some great practices from being a member over there, and I've made some life long friends through them. But we felt there was a need for a "middle of the road" internet-based riding group and thanks to JC, here it is!!!

    We're not safety nazi's, we're not a stunt group, we're not politically correct, and we won't preach. We're basically just a bunch of folks that remember what got us all into m/c'ing in the first place...FUN, FUN, FUN!!! And we fully believe that we can still experience that same kinda fun while maintaning the all important safety factor...

    Ride with us, hang with us, get cozy here on this board and come to our parties and you'll see first-hand what this is all about!!!

    [Edited on 10/29/01 by Stoneman]

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    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    New Guy on the board

    fuck me
    bobs here
    there goes the neighborhood
    Zombie,, I love you too,,, Now I know I'm home,, thanks for the honest to goodness welcome.................................... I think some of the difference between the two groups is based on honesty. SRNE is a little more interested in how they appear to the public.. While I understand there view.. to a point, it is not me. I can think of nothing that kills enthusiasm like someone looking over your shoulder, Having fun on the SRNE board is like trying to enjoy a good porno flick with your parents.. I am not looking for a mother. but some guys to have fun and ride with.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Upstate NY

    New Guy on the board

    fuck me
    bobs here
    there goes the neighborhood
    Worse than that his son is here too, oh my god............. Hey all just signed up tonight, good to be here.

    [Edited on 10/30/01 by LifesAStoppie]

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    Ride Hard, Take Chances, We Need the Work!
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  5. #5
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Center Barnstead, NH

    New Guy on the board

    Fuckin' shit is right!!! Glad to have the family act here!!!

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    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  6. #6
    Don't bother me! R7's Avatar
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    Yamaha Blvd

    New Guy on the board

    Awww fuck!!! My M&M's just melted:o

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  7. #7
    Lifer Karaya One's Avatar
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    Springfield, Mass

    New Guy on the board

    Plasticweld, I did not know we were such bad guys over there at SRNE.

    The fact that we don't ride like you makes us bad, so bad that you had to be " rescued " ?

    Maybe the fact that two of the four guys who run SRNE spend a LARGE amount of their time teaching and promoting rider education. Maybe this has something to do with the bend to that forum.

    We're the guys who spend weekends in a parking lot trying to make people better riders. And you contribute what to the sport?

    Are you going to take a swing at CG too?

    SRNE isn't just worried about how we appear in public, we are concerned about the public perception of the sport in general.

    You want to pass the car at 140mph, knock yourself out. But don't complain when legislation is re-introduced. You do remember Senator Danforth, correct? How about the IIHS? Those things can happen again if we do not take some responsibilty for our own actions.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    up state New York

    New Guy on the board

    Dave have you ever heard of the expression "Less is More" I understand were you guys are coming from.. You have to remember that I were I live I am the guy stuck leading the group. These rides consist of riders of almost every level, just as your rides do. We also break in to fast and slow groups just as your rides do. But the difference is that I am not going to throw stones at someone who likes to ride fast. My version of fast is different than yours..WE Are Both Law Breakers.. neither you nor I are any better than the other,, we are both guilty of speeding, I just admit it,, When you get your new FZ1 are you going to keep it at 65mph, My guess is that after you get on a newer bike your version of fast will also chage with the updated bike, Dave Don't get me wrong, on where I stand on this..I belive that when a moderator decides for the group on what is allowed you are going to have trouble...Your pulling the post of the V.t trip is what started this. While SRNE is your board, your censureship is not appreciated..After going back and reading a bunch of old posts on this board I didn't see any of that..Dave you can alway write me off as immature,, maybe I can not keep pace with you and Ken,,By the way how did you make out with the title for the FZR...And good luck with the new bike,

    [Edited on 10/30/01 by plasticweld]

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  9. #9
    Freak Posting snowborder's Avatar
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    New Guy on the board

    R7, didn't you lose your popcorn too?

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  10. #10
    Lifer Ken C's Avatar
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    New Guy on the board

    I thought I'd chime in here and maybe clear up some misconceptions.

    If you read the posts that pertain to the VT ride issue, I stated that we were no angels. That is to say, we ride fast and hard, just not to the edge of the limit that the public roads provide. The way Chuck wrote the report it sounded like a lawless, unabashed crash and blast-fest. While I'm sure the ride wasn't really that way, we needed to respond based on the "flavor" of the report. And BTW, many people DID appreciate Dave's and my moderating actions.

    Believe me, at one time Dave and I were as crazy as almost anybody on any of these lists, so we aren't morally judging. We are fortunate ( or is that unfortunate) enough to have a louder than average voice in the NE sport riding venue and we choose to speak up about what we have seen, learned and believe.

    As Dave stated in the previous post, we are dedicated to expanding the knowledge and concepts of responsible riding. We also see beyond our own personal wants and desires toward the image and consequences of conspicuous fast riding.

    So, ride as you want (it's probably not THAT much different than how we ride) just respect the notion that we may have a different risk threshold and image-consciousness and we will do what we can to spread that attitude.

    Ken C.

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  11. #11
    Freak Posting snowborder's Avatar
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    New Guy on the board

    Just my 2 cents....
    During my 2 VT trips with Craig and Chuck this summer, they seem to be taking the constant criticism by people who weren't even there.

    Some of the most outspoken critcs are the ones most guilty. That dude RichW is the biggest one of them all.... He passed a dozen bikes and 2 or 3 cars all at once in some downtown area with a town fair going on, kids with ballons, elderly, on a double line. Not only did he piss all of the riders off, but the towns people, and the drives of the cars.

    This is really what I think the founders of this forum and the other forums are trying to prevent.

    [Edited on 10/30/01 by snowborder]

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  12. #12
    Freak Posting snowborder's Avatar
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    New Guy on the board

    oh yeah, If you did the above while doing a Wheelie....

    Well then that's another story.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Wakefield, MA

    New Guy on the board

    R7 find that popcorn, we are going to need it. I just hope we are not going to re-type 2 months worth of posts from all other forums.

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    Eugene '99 EX 500R
    Wakefield, MA

  14. #14
    Don't bother me! R7's Avatar
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    Yamaha Blvd

    New Guy on the board

    Oh pooo, now i con't even find them:o

    Yeah, i agree with snowboarder.

    What did he say?

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  15. #15
    Lifer Karaya One's Avatar
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    Springfield, Mass

    New Guy on the board

    Bob - just as long as you know where we are coming from. There is no hidden adgenda, no master plan to make the entire community conform to what we think. The removal of Chuck's ride from the page was a decision made by Ken, Tony and I, and consulted with several " old school " members of SRNE on it's second, smaller mailing list. The ride sounded just as Ken descibed it. Not what SRNE was all about. And e-mails to me asked that very question - "Is this what SRNE is about? "

    The fact that two other groups came out of SRNE shows that not everyone wants to be a part of that family. There is no anger or animosity over those events, only respect.

    This is not judging you, or Chuck, or Paul Gilbert or anyone. Do what you want, but be aware of the ramifications to the sport over the long term. This is SRNE talking, not JC or Jay, or Paige and Steve P.

    I'm not mad or angry about what is going on now, but confused by your original post here. Hence, my reply. I just don't think we deserved that as we have been as accomodating as possible.

    Ken and I ride fast, CG rides fast, JC and Jay ride fast ( or at least Jay attempts too! ) and that's part of the pleasure of riding sportbikes. Time and place is more of an emphasis, responsibilty taken for ones actions. That's all. Now, I'm done making a mess of this forum!

    The FZR was titled along with my Gixxer over 4 weeks ago! Just after you grabbed the bike. The Mass DMV says 3-5 weeks for titles. When it comes in, its yours.

    And I need you to come grab the Gixxer plastic to paint it! The bike is almost done. Gotta sell it to help pay for the FZ-1.

    There. I'm done. Bob - we're cool. And prepare for a proper ass-kicking when you show up on one of my rides! Take care.

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  16. #16
    Lifer Karaya One's Avatar
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    New Guy on the board

    Oh stop it.. I'm blushing!

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  17. #17
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    New Guy on the board

    Oh stop it.. I'm blushing!
    Okay now!!! This is where I gotta step in!!! I just got this horrible picture of this cMan God guy........ahhh, never mind!!!

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  18. #18
    Don't bother me! R7's Avatar
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    Yamaha Blvd

    New Guy on the board

    huh huh, he said cMan God:o

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  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Buzzards Bay, MA

    New Guy on the board

    The one SRNE ride I went on, I think a couple of people frowned when I rode a little wheelie leaving a stop light with no other cars around. Well except Cra1g, he thought it "rocked" I miss that guy... hehehe..

    I'm still around (I love the internet). The feeling is mutual, and I'm looking forward to your arrival out here. I'll show you around on some AWESOME roads covering roughly 500 miles from north to south in this awesome place we call SUNWORLD... Oh yeah, did I mention we are going to have THREE AMA nationals here next year, and the only WSBK event (Laguna REALLY ROCKS!). Actually, I'd go to Laguna Seca just for the sights - even if there were no races...

    I really enjoyed my rides with the people in the Northeast, and every outing was a blast. By the way, we have five - count 'em, FIVE - race tracks within a few hours drive of us. So, when you are ready to do a few track days...well it won't be hard to find one!:cool

    I'll look forward to hooking up with you when you arrive - keep me posted via e-mail. I have taken the advice of some of the people on these forums, and am starting my own internet based riding club out here in California. A few members from the Northeast will be honorary members, and it should be a great time.:o

    Keep in touch.

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    2000 YZF-R1
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