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Penguins response to rider 333

  1. #1

    Penguins response to rider 333

    I just read these posts in detail ......
    Please post this if you can:

    The Penguin Racing School does not endorse any kind of this behavior or talk. Adam Vella does not represent the view of the Penguin Racing School at all and has absolutely no authority to determine whether or not anyone passes or fails the Penguin Racing School. Adam is not an official instructor for the school, but rather someone who has helped with our "follow the leader" session in the afternoon on a few occasions (this may change very soon). I apologize to anyone who has taken any offense to this senseless banter, and assure everyone that this type of behavior is not at all representative of the Penguin Racing School.

    Eric Wood
    Vice President
    Penguin Racing School

    This is what I Just got from Eric. Can someone please post this on the GIXXER.com board.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member GMS1000's Avatar
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    It's done

    i posted it.


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  3. #3
    Senior Member GMS1000's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    someone beat me 2 it

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  4. #4

    Penguins response to rider 333


    I'm not trying to stir up anything but Eric is pissed.

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  5. #5
    GRONSEL'D!!! gixxer6's Avatar
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    Pissed that I can't race...

    Thumbs up Thanks Eric!!!

    I am very happy to hear Eric's reply to those threats. For guys that are newer to racing, Eric seems to do a good job of making you feel safe while on the track. I hope he gives this guy the 86, because I sure as hell wouldn't be on the track at the same time as that idiot. I'd snap if someone purposely bumped me off the track!! Thanks again Eric. See ya in the spring at Penguin.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member GMS1000's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks Eric!!!

    Originally posted by gixxer6
    I am very happy to hear Eric's reply to those threats. For guys that are newer to racing, Eric seems to do a good job of making you feel safe while on the track. I hope he gives this guy the 86, because I sure as hell wouldn't be on the track at the same time as that idiot. I'd snap if someone purposely bumped me off the track!! Thanks again Eric. See ya in the spring at Penguin.
    thing is, guy's like that are usually all talk. i wouldn't worry about him taking anyone out. it's the guy who doesn't say a word you have to worry about.

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  7. #7
    Lifer legalspeed's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333


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    LRRS\CCS\WERA #486

  8. #8
    GRONSEL'D!!! gixxer6's Avatar
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    Pissed that I can't race...

    good point

    Yeah, good point. The quiet guy can be your worst enemy.

    Heath Smith
    Double Apex Racing

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    Heath Smith
    LRRS/CCS #337
    Low Down Racing
    Power by Dr. Hillsgrove
    Traction by Franimal Racing Syndicate

    05' KTM 525SMR,
    01' YZ426F
    05' Reiju RS1

    Says Vale to Colin at the end of the 2002 8 Hours of Suzuka: "Ok Colin, you better go out there and win. Because it is the ONLY way we will NEVER have to come here again!"

  9. #9
    Lifer legalspeed's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Eric Wood:

    Good for you.
    I am proud to be a Penguin Racing School graduate, and proud of the way you've handled your recent business "situation". To me you have demostrated a maturity that exemplifies: safety is first and fun is a close second at Penguin.

    Thank you again for being an upstanding company, I for one look forward to my next Penguin class in the 2003 racing season.

    Dan & Barbara Martin
    LRRS# 486

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    LRRS\CCS\WERA #486

  10. #10

    Fair is Fair

    This is Adams response to Eric regarding the post on Gixxer.com

    I would also ask in the interest of being Neutral that someone post this as well on Gixxer.com.
    After this I am done moderating this. I know who I stand with on this issue. DART is after all the pit neighbor to NESR and with out all of you I wouldn't have been as successful as I was.

    Message boards are message boards and people talk trash.

    The statement I had made to him failing penguin school were in reference to the fact that since I was involved, I was planning on informing the powers that be of this indivdual's personal on-track habits--specifically getting extremely stoned before ever hopping on a bike. This person is a known serious drug abuser and is proud of it and I would not want to see such a mentality permitted to a level of compitition at LRRS. Obviously most people at Loudon would disapprove of such action as well and I felt it would be my responsibility to make sure this information was known.

    I apologize for this information coming back to you in this poor manner but at no point did I ever say that 'I" would fail someone, but rather that I would make sure information was relayed which would inturn ensure his failing. I do enjoy helping Penguin and showing new riders what they need to learn and Jay Stoner is nothing but trouble for LRRS.

    Adam #333

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  11. #11
    GRONSEL'D!!! gixxer6's Avatar
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    Pissed that I can't race...

    OK, I'm done too

    My teammate Scott said it best... I am done moderating this. What people do in their own personal time is no business of anyone's but his. If he was using drugs before races, sorry Adam, but someone would see it, or even better...SMELL IT!!! To judge someone by what they do off the track, or to believe hearsay, instead of their conduct on or at the track is ridiculous. If he is safe on track... leave him the hell alone. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he is a bad guy. I have never met him personally, but Again, don't be a sour puss and make trite judgements. Grow up Adam. Oh yeah, in case you didn't know, over half of the American population smokes weed. That is a fact straight from the Feds. So don't be a cry baby. Let him have an honest shot, if he screws up, then so be it, but if he doesn't, I'll be watching him and cheering him on and hopefully he will learn quickly so we can all watch him go around you on the outside in turn 6!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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    Heath Smith
    LRRS/CCS #337
    Low Down Racing
    Power by Dr. Hillsgrove
    Traction by Franimal Racing Syndicate

    05' KTM 525SMR,
    01' YZ426F
    05' Reiju RS1

    Says Vale to Colin at the end of the 2002 8 Hours of Suzuka: "Ok Colin, you better go out there and win. Because it is the ONLY way we will NEVER have to come here again!"

  12. #12
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Re: Fair is Fair

    Originally posted by RSVMILLE661
    This is Adams response to Eric regarding the post on Gixxer.com

    I would also ask in the interest of being Neutral that someone post this as well on Gixxer.com.
    After this I am done moderating this. I know who I stand with on this issue. DART is after all the pit neighbor to NESR and with out all of you I wouldn't have been as successful as I was.

    Message boards are message boards and people talk trash.

    The statement I had made to him failing penguin school were in reference to the fact that since I was involved, I was planning on informing the powers that be of this indivdual's personal on-track habits--specifically getting extremely stoned before ever hopping on a bike. This person is a known serious drug abuser and is proud of it and I would not want to see such a mentality permitted to a level of compitition at LRRS. Obviously most people at Loudon would disapprove of such action as well and I felt it would be my responsibility to make sure this information was known.

    I apologize for this information coming back to you in this poor manner but at no point did I ever say that 'I" would fail someone, but rather that I would make sure information was relayed which would inturn ensure his failing. I do enjoy helping Penguin and showing new riders what they need to learn and Jay Stoner is nothing but trouble for LRRS.

    Adam #333
    I'm shocked that WC would make these statements, seeing as he hardly knows me. I especially like the "...known serious drug abuser..." part. Yes, I smoke. I don't hide that fact. So that makes me a known serious drug abuser? That's a hoot!

    Now the part about my "...on track habits...". Funny, I've only been ON the track about 5 times in my life, all of which were during track days. And not one of those times - NOT ONCE - was WC there. Never mind the fact that I'd NEVER think of indulging before putting myself on a race track. It's just fuggin' hilarious that he can make such a judgement considering he has yet to be at ANY track day I've EVER taken part of. In fact, I've only ridden with WC ONCE. That was enough for me. Again, funny stuff...

    Oh, and the "...nothing but trouble for LRRS..." tag he included in his little conclusion? Funny that Derek & I handed over a wad of cash to the Injured Riders fund at the last race weekend last year, huh? The very fund that's so heavily advertised on the LRRS site. Yeah, nothing but trouble, I tell ya...

    What a fuggin' weenie...

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    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  13. #13
    GRONSEL'D!!! gixxer6's Avatar
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    Pissed that I can't race...

    I hear ya

    Hey StoneMan, I hear ya man. I don't know either of you, but if I was going racing and had to pick someone to race with, it sure as hell wouldn't be him. I have been chatting with the NESR guys to get an idea if new guys like ourselves need to be worried about him or others like him potentially hurting us. They all assure me that we have nothing to worry about. This guy is apparently full of hot air. And many many people, from what I am told, feel the same way toward him. So, with that said, I am with Double Apex Racing, we pit directly across from NESR, and I would be happy to shake your hand and go racing together. Come see us when the season starts. We will be pitting under an Aprilia tent next to NESR, as I said. Us rookies need to stick together so we can get good and smoke guys like him when we go out on the track. Have a good one StoneMan. And don't forget to come and see us. We'll try and help ya as much as possible. God knows NESR has helped us!!!

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    Heath Smith
    LRRS/CCS #337
    Low Down Racing
    Power by Dr. Hillsgrove
    Traction by Franimal Racing Syndicate

    05' KTM 525SMR,
    01' YZ426F
    05' Reiju RS1

    Says Vale to Colin at the end of the 2002 8 Hours of Suzuka: "Ok Colin, you better go out there and win. Because it is the ONLY way we will NEVER have to come here again!"

  14. #14
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Okay. Just to clear this up a bit more...

    I'm now 33 years old, almost 34. I have two beautiful little girls at home, ages 11 and 2. I bought my first house at the age of 21, where I lived by myself for a few years until I met my (now) wife...

    We lived there for a few years before we got married, and shortly after that we bought our current home. It's on a private, dead-end road and we're the only year-'round residents on it. We live on Locke Lake in Center Barnstead, NH and our back yard slopes down to the waterfront. Halfmoon Lake is also approximitely 100 feet from our front door...

    I currently own 2 motorcycles (2000 TL-R / 1999 GSXR 600); wunna the most beautiful off-road 4x4 pick up trucks I'll bet you've ever seen; a 16' Grumman w/ a 50 HP motor; a 1984 Corvette; 1998 Sonata (commuter); and a 2001 Outback (commuter)...

    I'm also very active in our family's printing business which has been in operation for over 20 years now. In short time now, I will be making plans to purchase the business and run it as my own. In the meantime, I've been the 'general manager' (if there is such a thing in a small, family business) for over ten years now. I've managed to cut our overall operating costs dramatically over those years even though labor, insurance and material costs have gone through the roof, saving the company more money than I wish to discuss...

    Okay okay, hold on! I'm not being pretentious here, I'm getting to my point. That point being: Does this look like the life of a 'known serious drug abuser'? Hardly. Although in WC's mind, I'm sure I've made it this far and gotten these things by selling narcotics to my daughter's elementary school friends...

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  15. #15
    Lifer Rye's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Stoneman, I'd be a bit more than "shocked" if I were you. This thread has nothing to do with me (other than indicate the quality of a school I may be attending) but I'd be quite pissed about being slandered on a public forum. Just me though.

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  16. #16
    GRONSEL'D!!! gixxer6's Avatar
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    Pissed that I can't race...


    Yeah, and don't forget the teachers, they need drugs too. I smoke too, and I do not indulge unless I am staying where I am for a WHILE. I owned my first home at 22, and had all the toys and all that shit. The tech world dropped out and I lost it all, but hey I did it right when the market was good. My investments are junk for now, but in a year or so they will be rigth back to where they were, and I'll be rolling in cash. Does that sound like the life of a drugee? Nope. Anyways, we should concentrate on racing and not on this idiot. Obviously he is dillusional and knows not of what he yaps about. I am going to ride as hard as I can this season so when the '04 season comes around, I can go by this guy and laugh at him. so who do you ride with by the way? I don't think I asked.

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    Heath Smith
    LRRS/CCS #337
    Low Down Racing
    Power by Dr. Hillsgrove
    Traction by Franimal Racing Syndicate

    05' KTM 525SMR,
    01' YZ426F
    05' Reiju RS1

    Says Vale to Colin at the end of the 2002 8 Hours of Suzuka: "Ok Colin, you better go out there and win. Because it is the ONLY way we will NEVER have to come here again!"

  17. #17
    Just Registered VinceF2's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Hey Jay... I've only met you a few times... with that being so I can tell you that I didn't buy one bit of the "drug abuser" thing....

    I know you probably feel the need to defend yourself from that statement... as would I... but IMO I wouldn't give it too much time... or WC for that matter...

    Those that have met or talk with you know it's crap... when the time came I think you'd be amazed at how many people would be in your court to prove WC wrong...

    Rock-on and ride yo azz off this season... let that be what shows your worth to LRRS....

    His reply comes across to me as nothing but a petty attempt to make himself look better.... sad really...


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  18. #18
    aka Johnny Valve Stem need4speed's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Originally posted by Rye
    I'd be quite pissed about being slandered on a public forum.
    Only a pussy would hide behind the safety of public forum. A real man doesn't take cheap shots.

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    LRRS\CCS #714
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    "To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains".

  19. #19
    Lifer Rye's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Me, Heath? If so, I am fairly new to the forum but Mark B. (TLRMAN) lives a 5-iron away and we've hung out quite a few times. I've met a few other members also. For this year I will likely be a trackday junkie (no pun intended...lol) rather than go for my amateur status in ccs. I've cornerworked a bit also.

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  20. #20
    GRONSEL'D!!! gixxer6's Avatar
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    Pissed that I can't race...

    right on

    Hey Ryan, yeah, that's great to hear. You should get as much track time in as possible. It's addictive. Adrenaline that is... Hey Rye, check out US Marshalls up at the track if you haven't already. They are the track marshalls and whatnot. We had one of the reps down at the Aprilia booth we were working at last weekend in Wilmington Mass. They pay your entrance fee, feed you and other cool perks. Why are you not going to get your license this year? Any particular reason? Well, gentlemen, I am outta here. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Have a good night all.

    Heath Smith
    Double Apex Racing

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    Heath Smith
    LRRS/CCS #337
    Low Down Racing
    Power by Dr. Hillsgrove
    Traction by Franimal Racing Syndicate

    05' KTM 525SMR,
    01' YZ426F
    05' Reiju RS1

    Says Vale to Colin at the end of the 2002 8 Hours of Suzuka: "Ok Colin, you better go out there and win. Because it is the ONLY way we will NEVER have to come here again!"

  21. #21
    Lifer Rye's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Heath, I met a good bunch from the US Marshalls. Cornering a couple LRRS races was a nice fix while my bike was out of commission. I haven't ruled out my license this year, but I have a budget issue. I may take the school and get it, but I couldn't afford the rubber, and various other racing needs right away, so it would keep me off the track til at least late season. The trackdays are a happy medium.

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  22. #22
    Lifer legalspeed's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    I'm done! I've tried my best to give this Adam guy the benefit of the doubt.

    But he lied to Eric, and us.
    Anyone can go to gixxer.com and read his reply to New Racer's post.
    Then he writes to Eric and lies.
    Adam stated he would "punt" someone off the track in an "unsportsman like manner", to make sure they failed; " you done penguin yet? If not, I'll make sure I'm your instructor and ensure you fail and get tossed."

    This does not sound like "informing the powers that be".

    It does not sound like Eric Wood's manners, nor Penguin's.

    I hope he dosen't start shit with me, if he does, and signs the statement...

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    LRRS\CCS\WERA #486

  23. #23
    Hey did you see that cop RevHappy's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    I second giving Adam the benefit of the doubt but this was the last straw I don't usually take sides but I've seen Adam do enough wrong doing to place him in my hall of shame....Its club racing I know it's very competitive but It all falls back to having fun. I'm not sure Adam races for fun....or that 3 seconds of glory going into to 1 only to be passed by half the field. But hey I just spectate nothing more

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  24. #24
    ....................... PinHead's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    Being a person that wanted to attend the school for no other reason than to better my riding skills I am kinda having doubts with all this shit going on. Who's to say this WC dude whom I have not met, figures I am from NESR and new to the track and decides to fuck with me. If I take the school this year as planned someone best be telling that dude to stay the fuck off the track if I am on it. I would never be able to trust him after all the shit that has gone down here....

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  25. #25
    Diamond Geezer Kip's Avatar
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    Penguins response to rider 333

    The more I read different threads it sounds like you and this Adam (WC) are arguing like a couple of high school kids. Like you said your 34 and have a wonderful family. Maybe if you ignore this asshole he will go away. It seems like the more we at NESR bring up his name the more he replies back.
    I don't know Adam, but I have listened to him talk at the track to other people, and he does think he is hot shit.
    I do know you, and I would have guessed by now you would have told him not to speak about you, or pushed his fucking head on a toilet.

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