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Cooter and Ken's Crash

  1. #1
    Lifer oreo_n2's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Umm Christina and i are home safe in arlington, we are heading back out to Boston medical Center to see cooter in his overnight home. He should be ok, they are keeping him for overnight observation, we will get all the details posted later tonight, and i am sure cooter, kim and ken will have plenty to add very soon when everyone gets home.


    [Edited on 5/5/02 by oreo_n2]

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    Brent LRRS #772
    2006 KTM 560 SMR

  2. #2
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    What happened ? and where at?

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  3. #3
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    C'mon Brent! Give us more than that! Is everyone relatively okay?

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    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  4. #4
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Wut the fuck is going on out there? Maybe some details from these two events could give us all a quick little refresher course...

    Seriously, howz 'bout some details? I'm sure at least one person here will learn something from your ordeal...

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  5. #5
    Lifer GadgettR1's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Dammm that sucks.. hope everything is ok.. I guess it explains why Teez, Man God, and Cooter never made it to the meeting spot... the blessing went ok.. good friends.. some stunters in the lot.. then one of them crashed (a kid I'd seen crash into other people before... anyways this time he took out a Katana.. he's ok.. his bike from what I hear (zx-9) is toast and the Katana has twisted forks I guess) well from there Mick took us for a blast to P-Town.. long story short... 11 bikes.. each with a $175.00 ticket.. SLOOOOOW ride home.. everyone safe n sound... pics to come...

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  6. #6
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    I hope Cooter and Ken are ok. Crashing sucks.

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  7. #7
    Lifer Teez's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Hey all,
    Well as you can imagine, this day FUCKING SUCKED. Ken, Cooter, Oreo and I were leaving Cooters house in Quincy. We took Rt 3. About 1/2 hour from Cooters house there was a FUCKING LADDER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD. It was about a 12'folding ladder across the high speed lane (which we were in). The car in front of us didn't see it till late so she swirved and tapped it. Cooter and I were side by side, Ken and oreo were behind us. We were all going about 70mph. I swirved right and Hit the car next to me (but I stayed up, only minor leg damage) Cooter went left hit the ladder, his bike clipped Ken and Ken crashed. Oreo went around and by some stroke of luck missed the ladder. Both guys slide on there bikes, cooter went about 100' and his bike went about 400'. Ken slide about 300' and his bike was about 600' past that. All in all it was very scary. Ken is doing well with road rash and sore muscles, I am just black and blue from hitting the car a little. Cooter is ok. He is in the hospital tonight for observation. He hit his head pretty hard, splintered the helmet on the side. But most importantly we all live to see another day. I think we all learned the lesson on saftey gear. We all had on leathers, gloves, helmets, etc. I am sure that oreo and cooter will add more when they get home. I think Brent, Brett, Christina, Ken and I will all be a little more grateful!

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    2008 Ford F350 crew cab Super Duty 6.4L diesel
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  8. #8
    Lifer Teez's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Thank you for everyone's concern

    [Edited on 5/5/02 by Teez]

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    2008 Ford F350 crew cab Super Duty 6.4L diesel
    1998 Superhawk 996
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  9. #9
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Well I hope that the police (c**ts) appeal for witnesses who saw the ladder fall off whatever vehicle it was on. They probably won't though. They will fill in their accident reports and forget about the whole incident. I would say if they find the person who deposited it Ken and Cooter should be in for about $25k each.

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  10. #10
    Lifer Teez's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Funny you should say that degsy. The ladder mysteriously disappeared from the scene in the commotion. The State cop said he was only at the next exit and he just came trough not even 2 min. before and there was no ladder. The cocksucker came and got his fucking ladder and took off!!!! While everyone was still there! I wish I saw the asshole believe me.

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    2008 Ford F350 crew cab Super Duty 6.4L diesel
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  11. #11
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Unbelievable. I would still go back and take a look as it might have got knocked to the side of the road out of view. Might be worth dusting it for prints just in case.

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  12. #12
    Lifer Teez's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    We may go down tommorow to see cooter. I just might look again. This is going to cost us big bucks. We have a $500.00 Deductible on the bikes! Does the shit ever end!
    I am glad we all still have our lives though.

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    2008 Ford F350 crew cab Super Duty 6.4L diesel
    1998 Superhawk 996
    ZX-Stewie's Other half


  13. #13
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Talk to Chuck, he MIGHT be able to help you out.

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  14. #14
    Lifer GadgettR1's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Wow that's definately fucked up! I'm glad you are all ok for the most part and will heal.. the bikes can be fixed... Jen says the same...

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  15. #15
    Lifer Teez's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    That's a good idea degsy. I am so glad we found this website, I am sure that we will be needing advice on where to go for all of the repair shit!

    Thanks Chip & Jen. We missed you guys today! I'm sorry I didn't have your cell phone to let you know. I feel bad, I hope you didn't wait long for us

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  16. #16
    Lifer GadgettR1's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Don't worry about it... us hanging around a few more mins means nothing compared to you guys being ok.

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  17. #17
    Lifer oreo_n2's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    ok i have so much on my mind about this whole fucking mess.....
    number one... !!!! Why the fuck am i standing?!?! Why is my girlfriend standing with me>@>@>>@ Looking back... we should have been toast!!!!!
    I have been a mess all day trying to make sure everyone else is ok and its starting to sink in now. Someone was watching over me today, actually all of us. My long term good friend Brett and new good friend Ken nearly died... only feet from me on either side of my bike?! I brought my bike to a stop afterwards... totally expecting to go back to people that were not among us anymore. But that, thanksfully, was not the case.

    So lets look at it, maybe it will help me sort things out a bit in my mind... we all left cooter's, rode for a while, i wanted to be in the back of the pack... no pace setting for me when i am carrying a passenger. and i was actually consciously staying at least 2-4 seconds behind everyone, staggered from the last rider in front of me. then in the distance i notice something yellow in the road, started slowing down cause i didn;t know what it was, cooter wasn;t slowing yet though, then suddenly his tailights came on and smoke form his rear tire adn his ass end starts tracking to the right. next thing i know the ladder kinda splintered some shit up in teh road adn the rest of it went flying to the right, i think this is when cooter made contact. from there him and ken somehow made contact and ken went over, he like bounced off the pavement and was heading right for my front tire, and at the same time cooter was offto myleft and i heard crashing and screaching and i pretty much gave up and prepared for impact, thinking this is gonna hurt. I relaxed so the impact wouldn;t be as bad. then miraculously ken went further to the right, just missed him, then somehow ken adn his bike were succesfully seperated and his bike was about to lay on its side, but the rear end came up and that big ass tire... i got a good close look at it, was heading right for the front of my bike, and somehow it went to the right and i missed it too... then i hit the gas for a second to get away from teh mess then i stopped by teez on the side of the road... she was off like a bolt of lightning... my girl was off and running for the back before i stopped as well, i brought my bike to a stop parked and went running to see what kind of a mess we would be cleaning up... and cooter was standing already... with his helmet off. ... a quick sigh of relief and look to the other side and ken was not moving, just laying there. i ran over to where kim was over him. He was good though. then there were just so many people stopped and honking and helping and blocking traffic and it kinda got blurry. some emt's or fireguys or something were arguing about putting a neckbrace on cooter and cooter told em both to fuck off. There were lots of flashing lights and man oh man, there was just so much going on.
    everyone seemed pretty good as we got a grip on teh situation. I leaned over to cooter while we were waiting for the backboard and asked if he shit his pants yet... he didn;t think it was funny yet, then i told him he should of if he hadn't cause i just did. the ambulance took the boys away to the hospital and kim, christina, and myself sat and shook for abit wondering why???? Why the ladder? why the falls? why the non-falls? why?!
    i am really unsure of what exactly happened between ken and cooter as they crashed and that interaction between them just keeps getting more and more blurry as i try to think about what exactly i did see. just stuff and it got kinda blurry.
    oh man.
    thank god cooter had the leather and his NEW helmet, he had an old one that i am sure would not have protected him up until a week or two ago. thank god Chuck showed us some suspension stuff yesterday, he probably shed off a lot of excess speed before hitting the ladder that he might not have been able to with the way his forks were two days ago. Thank god those bikes didn;t bounce back towards me and christina instead of away... we would have been in a world of hurt. thank god the guys didn't lose their skin and legs to the asphalt (both had jeans on)
    thank god for the msf course i took for it might have partially saved my life today. if i hadn't learned the proper handling of the brakes i probably would have locked mine up too and had christina and myself would have ended up in the bambulance with teh boys. This is so weird for me, i am not a religious man at all, but too many chances happened in too many peoples favour while going way too fast in the middle of masshole traffic for us to all come out as well as we did.
    just thanks to whatever or whoever was watching all of us today.

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    Brent LRRS #772
    2006 KTM 560 SMR

  18. #18
    FYYFF theothersean's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Wow. Glad everyone is still here! Bikes can be repaired, or replaced..............

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  19. #19
    Jon and Clara's Dad snaggle's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Glad to hear everyone is OK. I hope you find the bastard who left his ladder in the road, and make him pay!!

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  20. #20
    I'm Sorry, What? Jank's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    I hope everyone will OK. And to think that it's only the 5th of May!! What the hell is the rest of the summer going to bring. Raining frogs??! Things WILL get better. Ebb and Flo, Baby!!

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    Chris J.
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  21. #21
    Lifer Teez's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Brent you took the words out of my mouth. Thanks for being there! I am glad you made it home ok last night. Give Christina and Brett a big hug for me! and by the way I am paying for that sprinting up the highway today, I cannot even move my legs. Not to mention the nice bruise from the car next to me!

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  22. #22
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Well I just got home from the Hospital. I'm fine except I just have a bit of stiff neck. I don't know what to say. I'm just glad it wasn't worse. Ken and Kim just got here, we're heading down to take a look at the scene and talk to the staties. I post some more details, later tonight. Thanks for all the concerns.

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  23. #23
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    Great to hear from ya, Brett! Not that there's really a happy ending to all this, but it's good to know that everyone's accounted for and walking and talking without help from artificial appliances. Get well, bro!

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  24. #24
    ultrabuddy twrayinma's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    good god, what an awful weekend!
    i'm so glad everyone seems to be more or less ok...
    heal quick.

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    The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple.

  25. #25
    Lifer oreo_n2's Avatar
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    Cooter and Ken's Crash

    i just got a call from Cooter... they are at the crash site... and found the ladder. i think thats good news. they should be talking to the police as i type this.

    whoever dropped that fucking thing... get ready!!!!

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    Brent LRRS #772
    2006 KTM 560 SMR

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