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CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

  1. #1

    CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

    CCS Summit Point 5/23-24/15 Memorial Day Weekend - RSP Racing #508 Savvas Kosmidis Race Report

    our adventures never stop!

    Keith and I planned this trip a while back. I made a promise to myself that I will be racing a new track to me every year and this year’s choose was Summit Point Motorsports Park.

    Keith’s plan was for us to leave early Friday morning in order to avoid all the traffic and arrive at the track at reasonable time so we can rest and do the CCS Practice on Saturday in order to get familiar with the track. That plan failed (never plan things like that) due to me starting my new job. So I made it to Keith’s house around 7pm on Friday and we were on the road at about 8pm. This time we had Keith’s 3 wonderful dogs. One of them was not feeling very great but Keith believed that its best they all come with us and that he would be fine. Fortunately Keith is awesome with his dogs and the way he trains them so they were wonderful passengers not causing any issues at all.
    We arrived at Summit Point at 3:15am. We paid the gate fee ($35/person + $30 electricity) and headed in the infield. Neither one of us had been here before. The infield seemed extremely small compared to what we are used to. and it was! after circling the lot several times we could not find a spot to park the RV. There was plenty of room in many cases but the way people parked did not allow for a vehicle to cross. We were not very happy with that. We eventually found a spot at 4am and parked there and immediately went to bed.

    We woke up excited to unpack and learn a new track. We were both preregistered for practice and some races (or at least we thought so). We went to registration to get our information for tech and we were informed that they don’t have our entries. so now we would be paying extra $5/race and start from the end of the grid. Oh well, we are here anyways. So i tell Keith let’s just register for practice we ride out the track and we will see how we feel about racing it after and then we can post enter some races. and thats what we did. We paid $150 for CCS Practice and headed to tech. The guys are tech were extremely helpful and polite. They gave us plenty of tips about the track and which areas to look out for.

    At this point Bob from Etech Photos arrived and we found out we were at his spot (where he actually pays to be). Bob was great and let us use his spot. Him and I talked a bit out Daytona and my future trip to the Isle of Man. He gave me lots of advice and few people’s contact info that can help me out with the trip. What an awesome guy! He is also EXTREMELY FAIR WITH HIS PRICING WITH PHOTOS, so both Keith and I ended up buying our photos from him.

    We set up the bikes, throw the warmers on and waited for our group to head out.
    I had no idea what this track looked like, not even watched youtube videos of it. First experience with the track was great! A bit bumpy, but a great mix of turns, from high speed to really slow ones, the carrousel was a blast, a bit bumpy and technical with 2 or 3 long straights.
    After my first session I went over to my friends George Demetropolis #808 and Bart DeFrancesco #24 and got some inside about the lines and the best way to ride this track. They told me that first weekend here I should be very happy if I get down to the 1:25s lap times.
    Went out for my second session and right before we got out Keith told me his bike sounded different when he started up. We didn’t think anything of it because it sounded fine. I was able to turn laps into the 27 range in my second session which made everything seem very promising for the weekend.
    It was on our third session that Keith went to start the bike and a very loud clicking noise came from the motor. He shut the bike off and decided to call it a day. I went out and focused on my body position and putting some marks on the track. At this point I was familiar with the layout so I wanted to practice some different lines in case i wanted to try a pass or had to change my line.
    That led me to be able to turn a few 25s on my last session of the day and i was happy to already be hitting what considered a decent time with only 4-5 session in a track that I had never been before. We finished practice and I told Keith i am ok with leaving and not staying for racing. Since we travel together we gotta stick together and support each other. Keith being an amazing friend and teammate said that since we drove all the way here I should at least stay and race Sunday and we can leave after that. I appreciate that more than words can describe.
    Saturday night Keith grilled us two delicious steaks, and I went to walmart with Jim #105 and we called it an early night.

    Its noteworthy at this point to say that despite all the bullshit that we dealt with Keith kept a very positive behavior and we ended up having a great time.

    Race day was finally here. I felt good and i was excited to race. Keith was very supportive and was pushing me to do good. I skipped first practice, because some traditions are meant to never be broken. I went out for 2nd practice and enjoyed myself, remembering the track, making sure my markers are right and still there.

    Riders Meeting was great. CCS and ASRA officials spoke and thanked us for being there. We all thanked the corner workers and track staff and of course dedicated some time to our Vets and Memorial day. Once again thank you to those who sacrificed so much for us being able to do what we love and live free.
    we were also informed that Summit Point HAD 970 ENTRIES FOR THE WEEKEND! what an amazing number and how great to see our sport grow and so many people supporting it.

    Race #2 GTL:
    I was gridded dead last since my registration got lost. I got a decent start and went in T1 with the mid pack. I got passed by a couple of GP bike coming into the carousel and i got stuck behind them until the 10 minute mark. Closing on T9 both the GP riders lifted their hands and pitted in. I assumed there was a red flag that I missed, so i pitted in with them and then saw everyone fly by on the front straight. What the hell? Went to the tower and asked if the race is still on, they said yes and i went right back out. I was very pissed off about my stupid mistake, but i have the ability to block off and forget stupid mistakes like that and focus on bettering myself immediately. Now i know!

    I finished 15th with a best lap of 1:26. Not bad for my first GT race down there!

    Race #7 Thunderbike - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwgakKoe4ZI
    I was once again gridded dead last (thats not gonna change for this report - lol) in row 7. there is a 15ft gap between row 5 and 6 so I was pretty far back. I got a decent start but the traffic confused me so I let off the gas very early in T1. I had still managed to pass a few people and passed one more coming out of T2. I put my head down and focused on my body positions and riding as smoothly as possible while pushing my brake marker in T1. the next few laps were fairly lonely for me but I kept getting faster and faster eventually reached #400 and his Buel. I was making a lot of ground on the brakes on him and with 2 laps to go I passed him into T1 but blew the turn and he went right under me to retake his position. Next lap I stayed closed, got a better drive out of T10 and was able to take the 10th place and hold it all the way until the checkered flag!

    I finished 10th with a best lap of 1:24! I was so happy for my top 10 and the good racing. I had a massive smile on my face and was so excited for my next race.

    Race #11 UltraLight SuperBike - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9KiG5cuzs4
    Can you guess were i was gridded by now? - YUP! dead last haha. I wheelied the start and had to take a very aggressive line to the right which in combination with the start traffic caused me to go very wide into T1 where it actually is bumpy. I managed to hold it together and stay with the pack. my new friend #61Will Finnerty aka CHAK/CHUK lol passed in T4. The rest of the race was a constant battle between me and him. I was not able to find a spot where I could stick a pass so I stayed behind him. Battling someone familiar to the track and similar paced with me though dragged me into some very serious times.

    I ended up 16th with a best lap of 1:22!!! a bunch of 22s actually. I was incredibly happy to have accomplished 22s. I will return to summit! I am not sure when but I will 100% be back there. The track is incredible and i had a blast racing there.

    That was it for our weekend. We had a long way to drive back home and the red flags caused the races to end around 6pm instead of 5. We packed and i went over to say by to our friends there. Demetropolis tried to make me stay and told me they ll bring me and my bike back to Jersey, but I wasnt going to let Keith drive by himself. Awesome people regardless!

    Overall I had an amazing time there. The track itself is one of the best I have been on. It is now my second favorite track that I have been on! The facilities are the worst ones I have ever been to, and the place is pretty unorganized, but the people are super friendly and nice, it really is like a campground.
    The food was surprisingly good and very fairly priced at the small shop new registration.
    Everyone has now convinced me that I have to go to VIR! have to plan it and make it happen. Hoping more RSP or any guys from Northeast decide to race other tracks so I can tag along. I hate going to those “far” tracks alone in case something happens to me.

    I made some really great new friends there and I will be back to hang out and battle again. I put a face to #291 Stephen Hoffman. Always a please to see and hang with the incredibly polite Jersey friends (Demetropolis & Defransico). Met many of the LWT Crew, awesome peeps who even invited me over for food and beers but we were unfortunately leaving early. and plenty others. People would randomly come by, check the bikes out, chat with us. It was an amazing atmosphere. Hoping to see you all in Jersey in July or maybe some of you should visit us up at New Hampshire Motor Speedyway sometime.

    Huge thank you to the CCS & ASRA Staff for putting together an amazing event. I don’t care that my registration was lost. I still had a blast. and most of the staff is always helpful, answering all our questions with a smile and make me feel welcome to all the events. Thank you to all the corner workers and EMT staff. I found out that most of them volunteer to do what they do. tons of love. I believed I waived to every single one on every single cool down lap I did. If i missed anyone I am sorry, i wasnt very familiar with the track. You guys are heroes staying out there for 12 hours despite the hot temperatures.

    Thank you to my awesome friend David Graham and all his kinds words and support.

    Massive thank you to all my sponsors for their great support and for having faith in me:
    Alexander Academy, Butler Performance Machining Meze Greek Tapas & Grille, DNA High Performance Filters, Dyno Solutions, SportBike Track Gear, Bell Helmets, AXO Racing Gear, Souhegan Valley Motorsports & Scott Mullin, Woodcraft, TechnoMoto Racing LTD, Pirelli Tires, Tony’s Track Days, 434 Racer, Brunetto T-Shirts, Computrack Boston, Vortex Racing, GoPro Cameras.

    Shoutout to my RSP Racing Teammate Keith Draghi for being the most awesome support this weekend, staying positive, and even staying at the track with me without a working bike just so I can race! More RSP Guys should come down next time. I know Adam Butler and Michael Weyant would LOVE this track!

    and of course thanks to all of you, the people who support me, follow me, most importantly believe in me. I say it all the time; I will never forget where I came from and where I started. For me it still feels unreal to be able to make my dream of racing come true and be where I am today. I get all my strength to fight and be a better person on and off the track from the amazing people in my life. So thank YOU for being part of it one way or another. It means more to me than words can describe.
    The expert ranks are very competitive but a lot of fun. I enjoy the process of battling with people faster than me, on bikes faster than mine. It makes a better racer and I am developing my skills and race-craft.

    Those of you who are still there racing today, stay safe and ride hard!
    May everyone have a very enjoyable and safe summer, remember to always have fun and help others as much as you can. Sometimes just a smile and/or a good morning have a beautiful day can have a huge impact to someone’s day! Lots of love to everyone,

    Sav #508

    Thank you for the great times Summit Point

    Thank you to those who sacrificed their lives for us to live free in this great country

    She’s looking good and ready to shred tires

    West Virginia is beautiful and it reminds me a lot of Greece

    Since I left straight from work I forgot to pack sneakers and flip-flops so I was stuck in dress shoes and sweat pants all weekend.. feel free to laugh at my pain

    Teammates - Team Bikes

    Getting some

    Packed and heading home

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  2. #2
    Day late, dollar short carsick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

    Do you guys need a roadie? Because that looks way more fun than splitting firewood. I'm not sure about that pic of the RV, with your leathers on the liftgate, that says" Gettin' some"
    under it. Do I dare ask what's going on there?
    Amazing job Sav, your attitude and determination are an inspiration.

    1 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    99 + 02 SV650 ex-race - 91 FJ1200 street - 03 KDX220R woods - 12 WR450F motard/ice

  3. #3

    Re: CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

    Lol. You crack me up man.
    I believe everyone who races lrrs should visit summit point. That track is awesome.

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  4. #4
    Unsafe At Any Speeds Jim's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Re: CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

    I'm glad you finally listened to me and started racing other tracks. It's a great experience to try.

    22's is great for an SV, especially a first timer.

    Now, let's get you to VIR

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    EX 105
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  5. #5
    TRACK RAT!!!!! Pigman's Avatar
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    Re: CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

    Sav turn them clip ons out more bud.......you look all cramped up and not dipping the elbow out

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  6. #6

    Re: CCS Summit Point 5/23/15 RSP Racing #508 Sav - Race Report

    Quote Originally Posted by Pigman View Post
    Sav turn them clip ons out more bud.......you look all cramped up and not dipping the elbow out
    Will do Shawn. Currently having some clearance issues with bodywork. Brake lever touches the bodywork after some point.
    Once that's sorted out I'll be able to move the clip ons

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