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Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

  1. #1

    Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    This is going to be long so read at your own risk. I am currently the passenger driving back so I have plenty of time to type this.

    Oh man,
    What a season this was. Local Championship, AMA wins and podiums and the encore at the Race of Champions in Daytona.

    Left Monday night around 10pm from Worcester with my friend Pano. The Zoom Zoom (my Mazda 3) was packed and we estimated that it would take us 24 hours to get down to Deltona.
    We decided to make rest stops about every 150 miles to be sure we are safe and stretch. We got lucky because of the time we left we missed all the traffic in NYC and Washington.
    Hit a crazy storm in South Carolina and Georgia which was forcing cars off the road but we made it in 21 hours. We got about 41 mpg on the Mazda so it cost us $110 to get down there not including tolls.

    Gino's dad has put a huge dunlop banner in the front yard so we wouldn't miss the house (lol). I refuse to post the pic with the dunlop banner because of their shitty tires so here are the better pics of where we stayed

    We arrived unloaded enjoyed the great dinner Gino's mom made had a bottle of wine and called it a night.

    The next day Gino was arriving and I had to get him from the airport around 1. We woke up and his mom made us a delicious and luxurious breakfast. We went down at Daytona beach walked around were being tourists trying to kill time.
    Finally picked up mr. Berrio and went to WingHouse for lunch and meet up with Jim, Frenchy, Chris and Keith who had arrived a few hours prior. We arrive at the track after lunch and we all go in to unload in our garage.
    Gino took us around for the rest of the day. Showing us downtown and the bikeoctober fest.

    I was already in the mindset of no drinking for me. I had to stay properly hydrated and on the top of my game. I didn't have great expectations for this, since I was on a stock motor SV with no fairings on a track that's all about power and aerodynamics aka my bikes two biggest weaknesses.
    I went to bed early since we had to be at the track for 7am. I was on the track as first practice at 8am and we would only get 4 sessions in.

    We wake up to a great breakfast from Gino's mom again.. Gino and I are discussing about the track. He's giving me hints. I made several printouts of the track map and we are writing down pointers and lines. I have butterflies in my stomach but Gino does a great job calming me down. We finally arrive at the track a bit late. Fuck it. I throw gear on estimate my pressure (no time for warmers) and go out there. We agreed that lap one I would be on very slow mode. All I had to do was feel the pavement, learn which way the track goes and see what that banking is all about. I pit out and I finally arrive there. My first thought, fuck this I'm not going up there. That's 31 degrees I won't make it and then it just clicks... FUCK IT! Hammer the throttle open and I'm on it. Wow what a feeling. I thought I was going to fly. Air is hitting me from every direction. I lay my head on the tank and it all stops. Luckily the tachometer on the SV was enough to stop enough air to keep my head steady.
    I pull in at the end of the session and I am just screaming in my helmet. Gino and his dad are laughing they are asses off because all I can say is wow wow wow.
    It's time to do business though. We didn't come down here just to see the banking.
    John Lynn (Trouble) let me borrow his Qstarz lap timer which came
    In more handy than I would have ever imagined. I go out on the second session trying to set some brake markers and turn in spots. I saw Johns video a million times
    So I knew his markers so I had a good starting point.
    Session 2 is over. We are checking the lap time and we get a best lap of 2:12 and 131mph. I guess that's fairly decent. Gino has been all over the track checking my lines and everything so he has a bunch of advice for me. Go in wide and then tip in and get on the gas. That's a very late apex turn. Draft there not there.
    Session 3 after lunch. I get out there and we are moving. The SV is listening and giving me great feedback. I'm feeling smooth and comfortable. I finally get two chances to draft. I manage to stick with them and also get them on the brakes. What a great feeling off accomplishment. Back to the pits. Lap timer says 2:11.6! Holy fuck that's top 5 AM. Let's see top speed. 134 by myself and 138 drafting (we saw 133 and 137 at the time then we connected on my laptop and saw the actual times and speeds). Should we put a smaller sprocket in the back? We talk about it and I ran to miles from S&C and grab a 43T rear sprocket. I run Vortex sprockets but miles didn't have any so I just took whatever he had. Gino throws it on the bike in seconds while I'm resting for the last and final session of the day. At this point I want to point out that Gino's parents are at the track with us, and brought sandwiches, waters, snacks and other drinks. And they also stayed beginning to end every single day.
    New sprocket is on and I go out for my last session. I felt great, I felt faster. Session is over and I'm back at the pits. The lap timer didn't record anything from that session. Fuck we won't be able to know if our move was good or bad. It is what it is nothing we can do now.
    We leave the track to head back to the Berrios residence and enjoy a great dinner with few drinks and tons of laughs. I could drink that night since I wasn't riding at all on Friday. My original plan was to go through one set of tires for the whole weekend. That, in my head, required skipping Friday practice.
    So I ended up spending Friday as a tourist checking out Daytona and Orlando. Bed early after another amazing dinner by Gino's mom.
    Again I want to take a second and emphasize on how amazing it was to spend 5 nights and 6 days with Gino's parents. Not only they are the best hosts I have ever met in my life but also amazing and sweet people. Within a day I left like we knew each other forever and we were family. I was talking with my mom back
    Home every night and I kept telling her every night how amazing these people are and manage to leave me speechless with their sweetness. I never felt like I was a guest, they made the whole experience feel like I was at home.

    Saturday - Race day

    I woke up in a great mood. The Berrios knew what's up. They had gotten up an hour before me and filled coolers, made sandwiches, coffee and breakfast. Gino and Gia dad take off a bit early to fill up some gas tanks for me. Fuel at the track was 8.50 per gallon. Ethanol free 93
    Octane at the local gas station was 3.399 lol no brainer.
    Goal for practice 1 was just to see if the new sprocket made a difference in top speed. I wasn't going to push anywhere in the turns. And that's exactly what I did. Results showed exactly the same speed as before. Oh well let's stick with that I guess.
    Practice two I kept pushing my brake markers and per Gino's advice tried to take different lines so I can be prepared if I have to make a pass. In case you haven't noticed by now Gino is an amazing fucking coach.

    Race 2 GTL
    I was gridded dead last since I didn't have any points in that class. There were two Ducati 1000s, a Bimota 1100 and a bunch of local SVs in this race. I got a killer start and went in T1 FIRST! Unfucking real. First launch in track which was really quick and unpredictable taking a line I wasn't familiar with at all and I have the lead of the race. The Red Bull Monster 1000 232 passes me in the second horseshoe. In my head I say it's ok I will draft him and pass him on the brakes. We are coming out of the last turn and I am legit on his ass. We start going up the banking, I see him up shift, a flame comes out of his exhaust and he's gone. I thought my bike shut off. I check the throttle and I'm still moving. Holy shit this is real. I am getting my ass handed to me. I put my head and keep trying. I was making serious ground on him in the infield but I didn't stand a chance in the straights. But hey in the process I'm passing experts. Wtf is going on?
    I manage to get 2nd place behind the Red Bull 232 (3 seconds) and finish pretty high among the experts who were a wave ahead.
    Back in the garage, hugs celebrations and laughs. We checking times and we see a 2:08! Holy crap that's unheard of on a stock SV. Man I'm in a great mood I want to go right back out I don't want to wait I just want to race NOW!

    Race 5 - LWSS
    I had the pole position in this one since I had won the championship
    in NH and also raced the class in Jersey. I had a horrible start (yes it happened to me too) and went in T1 4th. I get stuck behind a slow rider and it takes me a whole lap to get around him. By that time the 2nd guy is 3 seconds ahead of me and the leader is 9.5 seconds ahead. It takes me another lap to make it pass need 2 but the leader is still very far ahead. I am starting to believe that it's ok to settle for second place but then a little miracle happened. As we are coming off the banking I notice the leader is standing up (aka braking) at the 3 board!!! My braking starts at the 1 board. That's a pretty serious difference. I put my head down and hustle through the infield. We pass by the white flag and he is 2 seconds ahead. God I have to make this happen. I brake even later for T1 front is sliding a little but I relax and trust my Pirelli Supercorsa V2s and they stic. I'm closing up! First horse show I'm taking a late apex and get on the gas hard. I can see him I can smell him. 5th gear and take the left hander in WOT bike is behaving great. 2 downshifts and
    In the last horseshoe. The bike is moving a little but nothing I am uncomfortable with. We are coming in the last turn he is still fairly ahead. He is braking early, I am NOT! We are getting on the banking. I am 3 bikes behind him. I get on the gas early and I get a little of his draft, not enough to start pulling on him. In my head I hear Gino's words to wait for
    The draft but my heart tells me jump on the chicane and get him on the brakes. If he's that good he will make up. If not I win. We are coming into the chicane. He brakes at the 3 board. I brake pass the 1 board, front is sliding and rear is sliding I am holding on for dear life and get on the throttle before the bike even settles on the left turn. We are on the last part of the banking. I can hear him, he is right there he is coming. He is suddenly on my right and moving faster than me. Fuckkk I need this. I am looking straight at him not in front of me. We pass the start finish and that's the end of the race. I have no idea what happened. He is giving me thumbs up. I look at the board half way through and see my number above his. Did this really happen? As I am coming in the pits I see Gino and his family jumping up and down holding phones and taking pics. Ccs staff is telling me to go to the winners circle. The announcer comes over and congratulates me. I asked him if I really won. He said yessir you did. He said mr. Kosmidis I see you are from New England, that's a long way from home would you say it was worth it? I said absolutely it is worth it this is the most amazing thing I have ever done with my life. I got to thank my sponsors. Then a guy from road racing world is coming over. He says your bike has no fairings. I said I know. He says did you race like that all year? I said yessir. He said and you just won Daytona like that? I said I guess I just did yes. He says that's pretty amazing man congrats.
    We got to Victory lane and snap some pics and head over to tech since that was a SS race. As I'm approaching I see 557 pointing at me and saying something to the officials. Officials ask me why I didn't go straight there and I said because I was interviewed. The officials say only the experts get interviews. I explain that I was interviewed twice they keep saying I didn't go straight to tech and that I am possibly Disqualified. They are running around asking if I really got interviewed, Gino is showing pics and videos with timestamps. I am about to lose my mind. I am already out of my leathers and pacing back n fourth. I am hoping they tell Gino if I'm DQed because if they tell me I wi swing at someone and get us banned from the track. They have us there for half hour and they finally say ok you got the Win congrats!

    I won the race by 0.011 second aka 2.1 ft.
    I am crying. I am legit crying my eyes out from happiness. So much hard work so much money had finally paid off. For those who don't know it was suggested for me to quit racing and gym this summer due to tendonaidis on both my elbows. I decides that painkillers would be worth it. And they absolutely did.
    We are checking the results and holy shit 2:07.984!!! This is fucking fast!
    Celebrations, pictures, phone calls to relatives, friends and sponsors. We made it! CCS Regional and National Light Weight Super Sport Champion!

    Before we leave the track we realize that there is no way I can pull 3 more races on these tires. I contact my brother Kurtz back home who reaches out to the pirelli distributor at the track and hooks me up with a fresh set of tires. Gino and his dad took my wheels off, put them back on and made sure my bike is 100%.
    It's such a huge thing to not have to
    Worry about gas or tires pressures or if you checked this or that. Gino is an amazing mechanic and his eye catches things that mine wouldn't and fixes them on the spot. At this point I would also like to thank two of our locals Chris #325 and Jim #105 for letting us use their tools all weekend long. And a special thanks to Chris for bringing my bike down and being extra cheerful to me.
    The day ends with dinner and swimming back at the house. Bed early for a challenging Sunday

    I wake up after 9 hours of sleep. I am def sore. Neck, arms and legs are extremely sore. Kind of a given since my body had never experienced anything like that before. My typical
    Sunday ritual. SKIP PRACTICE AND EAT! You bet I did the same thing down here! We arrive at the track around 945am at the end of the practice lol. They allow me add LWGP and grid dead last again.
    We go to see race 2 from the first horseshoe. Lap 1 and my friend Rick 818 from Jersey highsides and lands pretty bad on his shoulder. Bike oiled the track so they take a while to clean it up and racing continues. Rick broke his collarbone, wrist and a few ribs. They ended up cutting through his leather and he is scheduled to have surgery on Thursday.

    Race 5 -ASRA Thunderbike
    I won ASRA at NHMS and I really wanted to win it here too. I was gridded 1C and I knew my only competition would have been a Ducati 748... ASRA doesn't launch in waves so we launch with the experts. I got a killer start and even passed an expert before T1. I made my way through few more experts and I never looked back. I won the race by 30 seconds and got another trophy and a show at the winners circle. The ASRA guys remembered me which meant a lot. Congratulated me. People once again are blown away by the fact that I won a race with no fairings. No time to celebrate too much I'm in the next race. Bike on the warmers for 3 minutes and off we go.

    Race 7 LWGP

    Gridded last (where else?). Beast wheelie start and heading into T1 second. I check out a little early and allowed someone else to go by me and then another. Shit I'm now 3rd. Going into the last turn before the banking a rider tries an outside pass on me which takes almost two other riders out. Luckily nobody went out but that also allowed me to get in 2nd. I put my head and I am determined to win. I am closing in on the leader who is on a Ducati 1000!!! Same technique for me very late braking hoping for some traffic or a mistake. None of that happen. Last lap and I am about 2-3 bikes behind him. We are closing on the chicane again. This is my move I can do the same thing I did in LWSS and win this class too. But then I think he has a 1000 will blow right by me if I do that. So I have to risk and get on the gas early and draft him. So I brake with him for the chicane and I'm not even showing him a wheel because I don't want him to know I'm there. We are coming on the straight and I'm a legit 5 inches from his rear tire. I stick with him not a chance I would let him go. I draft and draft and draft. My calculations are right and I am making my move. Our front wheels are aligned and the he just keeps accelerating. FUCK!! He gets the checkered and the win by 0.021 seconds. Almost same thing I did the day before. I am pretty mad but we are still celebrating a spectacular race, another photo finish and the fact that I gave a Ducati 1000 with double my horsepower a very hard time. Although I drafted very well and my timing was perfect the HP and aerodynamics won. If I had stuffed him in the chicane I would have forced him to change his line and maybe he would have never caught up to me. But that's a big IF and MAYBE and that's just how racing is.

    Race 10 - ULSB

    I was gridded last here as well due to SVs not being ULSB at lrrs and me having no points in that class. I was hoping for my 3rd national win in this class. But my elbow issue had arised once again and I was in a semi bad mood for comin second in LWGP. Pain on my elbow got worse with time but I tried to clean my head and go in as good as I can. I got a decent start and I think I went in T1 second or third. Lots of back and fourth through that race with tons of position changes and good passes. The announcer was going wild on this race. Last lap I pass both the guys into T1 and try to hold on for the lead. On the last turn we are catching up to some expert traffic. I pass the expert on the left turn and on the right hander he comes from inside runnig wide and straight up hits me, causes me to go off track. I manage to keep the bike up right but both the guys go by me. I try to catch them on the brake in the chicane and we make a single line drafting each other. One goes right I go left and we all pass the start finish line next to each other. Unfortunately I am 3rd and we are all within 0.071 second.
    Great race but I didn't get the result I wanted. Oh well.

    Race 16 - LWSB
    I was pretty much exhausted on this race. I just didn't have the mental or physical energy to give it 100%. I stuck with the pack. Made some passes but nothing aggressive. Ended up a very close 4th and my only non podium race since June...

    Overall it was an amazing trip. I made new friends who I consider family. I got to enjoy 90 degree weather while it was sun 40s back home. I rode one of the most famous tracks in the world. I won two national level races/championships. Did I love Daytona as a track? No, not really, my heart still belongs at NHMS. Did I love the experience? Abso fucking lutely! Would I do it again? Very possibly. Might return next year. More prepared and with a more competitive platform. I honestly believe that with right gearing and/or fairings I would have at least one or two more wins. Shit even a cleaner air filter might have given me the extra win. Oh well. Can't be ungrateful. I still did amazing, very respectable times and came back with 5 trophies.

    I have to give a huge thank you to CCS, ASRA, AMA and all the Daytona International Speedway staff and corner workers for having an amazing series, for being amazing at what they do and so polite to me and those who were with me. I got to thank at least 30 CCS officials and 10-15 corner workers in person before we left. Got invited to race with the down in Homestead for December 5-6 but I doubt I would be able to pull that off. Although you never know...
    These guys deserve a thank you and as they told me it goes a long way! They actually give us the opportunity to make our dreams come true.

    Another enormous thank you to the Berrios. I can't put in words how amazing they all are. How massive of an impact they had in my performance. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I cannot say it enough. I am blessed to have met you.

    Another thank you to my RSP Racing Family! Stayed with me 24-7 via texts, constantly empowering with positive talk and celebrating my accomplishments. Kurtz I don't know how many times you have saved my ass by now but I know it's a lot. You are a brother for life! <3

    Next thank you to all my sponsors and more important to Alexander Academy which made a huge contribution to this trip and the entire racing season. All these would not have been possibly without my dear friend Atha! I hope he was watching me from up there and is proud of me.
    My Pirelli tires for being amazing and super quick both in North and South! MTAG for the win. For the record Pirelli dominated in almost all classes in Daytona, so same story as jersey... Seems like Pirelli is the overall winning tire of CCS.
    GoPro allowed me to record some of the racing that took place... Vid is coming soon.
    Tony's track days for tons of instruction and guidance. You guys taught me well and thank you for sticking with me since I wasn't able to do an oil change on my own.
    Tansey Racing (lol) for providing me not only with the best set up bike I have ever owned but for constantly being a coach and over the phone mechanic for me. Bill is an incredible guy who I have not stopped bothering ever since I bought his motorcycle. He always somehow makes time for me and he hasn't blocked my phone number. He truly is an amazing supporter of my racing and I learned a lot from him.
    STG for shipping everything we needed in time and getting me ready to go.
    Bell Helmets for the amazing helmet and visors. Came in very handy when the sun is straight at your face when you are going topped out on the banking.
    Of course Mezé Greek Tapas.
    Vortex for the best sprockets around.
    Woodcraft for pretty much all the control parts on my bike.
    Odyssey Batteries and Yoshimura USA!
    Olympus Racing - Sponsors

    All my friends and family, supporters of any form who have been watching and following my racing career. All the haters and shit talkers.. Thank you for throwing fuel at my fire. Another thank you to Atha, who was there every step of the way. I really wish he was still around for the finale! But I bet he had the best seat from up there.

    I could be forgetting some but I'm honestly exhausted and have been driving for over 15 hours now.

    In a few words the season ended much better than I could have imagined.
    In CCS Northeast aka LRRS I managed to win all the Light Weight classes (LWSS, LWSB and LWGP) as well as Thunderbike. A respectable second place in SuperTwins and the overall AM championship.
    My first time racing New Jersey Motorsports Park I managed to finish every race on the podium including my two AMA National Races against really fast riders on really fast bikes. I went way faster than people expected me and even faster than what I was expecting.
    My first time ever in Daytona competing on a national event I did a 2:07 and brought some hardware back with me. Yes overall I can say I'm very satisfied. But I am always hungry and I enjoy setting the bar higher every time. I made new friends all over east coast and that's the most important of all. Because people have the ability to make life amazing. The trophies and the times wouldn't mean anything if we didn't have someone to share them with.

    A lot of people asked me what my plans are for next year. I honestly have no idea. I am not sure how much racing I will do, or where, or on what bike. It's too early for me to decide any of that. I need a few days to really understand what just happened, because honestly I still do not believe it. So stay tuned and I will make sure to let everyone know as I am making my decisions.

    Cliff Notes:
    Daytona CCS National:
    LWGP 2nd
    LWSS National Champion
    ULSB 3rd
    LWSB 4th
    ASRA Thunderbike 1st
    Best Lap 2:07.984

    CCS - NJMP:
    CCS LWSB 2nd
    CCS LWGP 1st
    CCS LWSS 3rd
    CCS SuperTwins 1st
    CCS ULSB 4th

    AMA LWSS 3rd
    AMA LWSB 2nd

    Best lap 1:33.958

    CCS Northest - LRRS:
    Overall AM Champion
    LWSS Champion
    LWSB Champion
    LWGP Champion
    Thunderbike Champion
    SuperTwins 2nd
    Formula 300 2nd

    ASRA Thunderbike 1st

    Best Lap: 1:19.140

    Thank you for reading, thank you for being part of this. I am wishing all of you the best,


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  2. #2
    Posting Freak Karate.Snoopy's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    holy shit dude, that is awesome. Should have taken your autograph when I had the chance this summer

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  3. #3
    Just Registered rolker's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Amazing report Sav, thanks for sharing with us and congrats again on an awesome season!

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    Roland Arsenault
    LRRS and USCRA #763
    2012, 2013 and 2015 Big Fish Small Pond Champion
    "The 4 board is an upshift marker, not a brake marker"

  4. #4
    You dont know slow... PainfullySlow's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Wow. Just wow.

    To say that I am impressed with your improvement over this past year would be an understatement of massive proportion. I have been both amazed and proud to watch you develop into the die-hard, kickass racer that you have become today, and your road is far from over.

    Oh, and I bet you are very glad that NHMS teaches you all about late braking, huh? =) Most other race tracks dont have that kind of an advantage, and you can clearly see how it pays off.

    Enjoy your accomplishments, brother. You have earned them.

    Don't sit on your laurels for too long though. Next year you will have white plates, and the challenges have just begun. I am anxiously awaiting the 2015 season to see what you can do out there with the likes of Ricky, Pete, Jesse, Scott, and the rest of the lightweight demons.

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  5. #5
    Bizarro Zoolander Petorius's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Congrats, this is inspirational stuff!

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  6. #6
    Old and Slow Sheppo's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    great write up Sav. You have accomplished a lot in such a short time.

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    Better a Racer for a moment then a spectator your whole life!

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    Jaynnus - I can't regret what I don't remember

    Originally Posted by gmdboston
    Guys, its Maine. The waitresses have more tits, than teeth......

  7. #7
    ^ It's my bike and my car tls25rs's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Congrats Sav! Great write up and glad you had a good time.


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  8. #8
    go faster cdovego's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    I expected nothing less, great job Mr. Savvas!

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    Central Mass Powersports #123

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  9. #9
    Member DanRo's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Congrats man!!!

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    LRRS AM #110 '02 SV650s
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    Sponsors: Woodcraft CFM, Armorbodies, Yoshimura, DP Brakes, Lucas Oil.

  10. #10
    Have you seen my baseball GingahNinjah's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    great job buddy!! I was getting updates on sat from Mr Weyant while we were at King Richards Faire. glad you are bumping for next season... hopefully itll be my turn in 2015 lol

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    https://www.facebook.com/LRRSBT1R #54 EX 2007 SV650 "Work hard. Play harder. Die broke and happy!" Boston Tier 1 Racing Pirelli Tires Woodcraft-CFM Armorbodies Penguin Racing School Vortex Shorai Batteries DP Brakes Riders Discount SIDI Leatt

  11. #11

    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    I'm not bumping

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  12. #12
    Have you seen my baseball GingahNinjah's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Quote Originally Posted by tsorfas View Post
    I'm not bumping
    Dafuq?! Capt. Sandbagger over here ^

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    https://www.facebook.com/LRRSBT1R #54 EX 2007 SV650 "Work hard. Play harder. Die broke and happy!" Boston Tier 1 Racing Pirelli Tires Woodcraft-CFM Armorbodies Penguin Racing School Vortex Shorai Batteries DP Brakes Riders Discount SIDI Leatt

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    Senior Member MHenry600's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Great work this year Sav, and congrats on everything you accomplished. There aren't many people that can say they've had that experience. Way to represent the northeast and show those guys how to ride.

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  14. #14
    ^ It's my bike and my car tls25rs's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Quote Originally Posted by tsorfas View Post
    I'm not bumping

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  15. #15

    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    I'm jk lol of course I'm bumping

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  16. #16
    Have you seen my baseball GingahNinjah's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    bwah haha smartass

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    https://www.facebook.com/LRRSBT1R #54 EX 2007 SV650 "Work hard. Play harder. Die broke and happy!" Boston Tier 1 Racing Pirelli Tires Woodcraft-CFM Armorbodies Penguin Racing School Vortex Shorai Batteries DP Brakes Riders Discount SIDI Leatt

  17. #17
    Lifer Kurlon's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Quote Originally Posted by tsorfas View Post
    I'm not bumping
    Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona-0f254246-d365-41fc-bb7c-666d9d6a82e0_zpshchaalzm

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  18. #18
    First name on the shit list.... SVRACER01's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    nice work kid.
    one day ill get a chance to ride there.

    1 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    When I start my KTM in the morning, rules are broken. Its inevitable...
    01 SV650S (RC51 eater)/07 690SM /03 300EXC/14 XTZ1200
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  19. #19
    Lifer nt650hawk's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona-sav-20sparta-jpg

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    Last edited by nt650hawk; 10-20-14 at 05:33 PM.
    HAWK GT Racer Expert #929
    2012 CCS LRRS ULSB Champion
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  20. #20
    Lifer Kurlon's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Attachement fail Gino.

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  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona


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  22. #22

    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

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    Last edited by tsorfas; 10-21-14 at 04:19 PM.

  23. #23
    You dont know slow... PainfullySlow's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Quote Originally Posted by nt650hawk View Post
    Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona-sav-20sparta-jpg

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  24. #24

    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona




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  25. #25
    Lifer FirstDuc-1098's Avatar
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    Re: Olympus/RSP Racing Season Finale Race of Champions 2014 Daytona

    Very cool Sav

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    Shit Corey says:
    Quote Originally Posted by hondarider102 View Post
    I think that a smooth motor would help me be a bit smoother

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