First and foremost, if you need help or have a question about this site or its policies, please start a thread in this forum.

Info for all:

Forum Rules. Know them. They're easy. You can help keep things running well by reporting posts that you believe are breaking the rules. The 'report post' button looks like this:

We have a few methods of access that are optimized for mobile devices.
  • vB Mobile Style - navigate to NESR from your mobile device and scroll to the bottom. Select 'NESR Default Mobile Style' from the drop-down menu at the bottom/left of the page.
  • Tapatalk - Tapatalk. Available for iOS and Android devices.

Info for new users:

Until you break 5 posts or 30 days, you have restricted access to certain things like visitor messaging, signatures, etc. After 5 posts or 30 days you will automatically be promoted to a less restrictive group.

After 90 days you will automatically be promoted to an even less restrictive group, granting access to post threads in the For Sale section. This access can be had at any time prior to the 90 day mark by becoming a Premium Member.

If you're new here and you're going to try to promote a business of any kind, you're going to have a bad time. We have advertising options, which can be seen here.

This site had been around since 2001, if you walk in and start telling us how to do this, you're going to have a bad time. With that said, constructive feedback is welcomed.

If you've joined during winter, we're sorry.