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RSP Racing #606 Race Report - Rd 7 2016

  1. #1
    Senior Member BMMCBR's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    CT, USA

    RSP Racing #606 Race Report - Rd 7 2016

    Warning: This is going to be a long one.

    tl;dr: Invited to a racing team, another podium, and decent (consistent) times despite the weather. I also completed one of my three goals this year and the other two weren't far behind.


    Took my usual half day at work. Got packed up and left home around two. About halfway there my trailer becomes unhitched and starts dragging on the ground. Luckily I was only doing 30mph on side roads (took I91 to Rt9), and was able to slow down enough to not cause any damage. A good samaritan stopped to help us get the trailer back off the ground and on the truck. Really cool dude with a happy-go-lucky attitude. Thank you! Surprisingly that whole ordeal only cost us 30min and we were at Loudon around 5:30PM.

    Unpacked the trailer, said our hellos, and headed off to Brookside with Brian Kelly to grab some dinner. We then hung out in the RSP Racing garage as we ate.

    After an hour or two of bullshitting I see a few of the RSP guys wheeling my bike over to the RSP Garage (I honestly don't remember which of you were wheeling my bike over, I was so dumbstruck I don't remember this straight) with one distinct change. RSP Racing stickers and Noxen stickers on it. I honestly didn't even know what to say. So many emotions washed over me, joy, excitement, honor. Michael Weyant had given me a heads up earlier in the week that I might be asked, but that wasn't even prep for this moment. It is by far the happiest of my racing career so far, and it probably wont be topped, and I'm totally okay with that.

    Kurtz, Adam, Bill, Brian, Michael, and Noel were present, and even Kyle was there via video chat to initiate me. Knowing each of these fine gentlemen (including those who weren't there this weekend!) over the last 5 years has been an honor in itself, but now I get to call them brother. Although I didn't know Reed, each of these guys have shown me the same kindness and friendship that I've always been told Reed showed everyone he met. I can only hope to be that same kind of person.

    I think I ended up staying up until almost midnight hangout and chatting with everyone. Probably one of the best nights of my life so far. Thanks guys. I'm honored!


    Woke up late, because I stayed up late, haha. Funny how that works. I saw that it was cold and raining, said eff practice, and went to breakfast with Missy and BK. Came back in time to tidy up some things on my bike and wait for racing to start.

    Race 6 - NOV Formula 1

    Gridded 2C. It finally stopped raining, but was still fairly cold. Headed out to the grids and the track felt fine. Once the lights went out I shot right past the first row but all of a sudden went into a wheelie, struggled with it for a bit, but settled it down and shifted into 2nd. Almost had the holeshot but new guy #134 Nick Peterson beat me to it. I stuck to him for three laps before #371 Scott Briody got by me on the straight. He was significantly faster than I was and got away from me pretty quick. I raced by myself for the next few laps and crossed the finish line in 3rd. Apparently #267 Ryan Moses was right on my ass though because he finished 0.4 seconds after me. Could have lost it, but held him off long enough apparently.

    3rd of 14
    Outlap: 01:30.123
    Best lap: 01:26.058

    Race 10 - NOV Formula 2

    Gridded 1C. The front row is great. It presents a great advantage to stay ahead, if I get a good start. This time I wheelied again, but had a harder time, plus #111 Mike Baldwin got ahead of me and before I could regain control of my bike I bumped into him (sorry dude!!), which immediately settled my front and everyone blasted past me. I think I was like 7th or 8th going into T1 but was able to get right back up to 4th by the next lap. After that it was pretty uneventful until lap 7 when I came around T9 to see a rider face down in the dirt and his bike nowhere to be found. They threw the red flag as I was coming around T10 so I pitted in and that was that. I found out today that the downed rider was relatively okay and only suffered a concussion, which sucks, but at least nothing was broken.

    4th of 14
    Outlap: 01:34.072
    Best lap: 01:25.637

    Saturday night was the annual Low Down Racing Halloween party. One of my favorite events of the year. First I attended the awards ceremony to collect my bling. This was my my second award, but a few of my friends had firsts. Teammate Bill Coolahan received his first expert podium, and Mike Randi received his first ever podium. Congrats guys!!!

    There was no big center garage costume this year (something I aim to change next year) but I brought my trusty Jedi robe and plastic lightsaber, haha. Missy and I headed down to the festivities to eat some grub and wait for her sister Melinda to arrive. Once she got here we ate the chili that Missy and I brought up (sorry guys next time we'll bring some for all to share, lol), and headed back to the party. At some point Michael and Noel came back from the hospital. It was great to see that Noel wasn't as hurt as we had thought (wuss). After a few more hours of hanging out I tucked in for the night, ready for day 2 of racing.


    More cold, more rain! I again skipped practice wondering if it was going to dry up or warm up at all. It did a bit, but I didn't trust myself out there on a damp track. So I called it for the weekend. After seeing my peers times in my race that day I kind of kicked myself in the ass because I totally could have nabbed first, even while being off my pace. Oh well, there's always next year!

    Race 8 - NOV Rookie 1

    Gridded 1D.

    Best lap:

    I ended the weekend with some Brookside with the team and friends, before driving Noel's crippled ass home (love you buddy). Missy drove my truck and trailer home (first time driving with a trailer). That right there my friends, is love. Holy shit you rock Missy. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing that. And Noel thanks you too for doing that so I could drive him home.

    I think I ended up getting home at like 9PM, haha. Crazy.

    Best. Race weekend. Ever! Best year ever! Even with all the ups and downs, I was smiling all weekend. Excited about my new race team, excited about improving on track, just everything is going great. I cannot wait for next year! My current plans are to find a new bike, because I just dont think its worth putting more money into mine. The real dilemma is LW or MW. Time will tell.

    As for my goals this year, they were the following: 1. Dont crash 2. Bump to AM 3. Race all 7 rounds. #1 achieved. I didn't crash all year. Had a few close calls, but kept it on two the entire time. The other two I didn't make, but came damn close. I've clicked off a bunch of 1.24's so I'm near the bump threshold, but couldn't quite do it. And I skipped round 4 because money was tight and I needed a bit of a break. So 6 out of 7 ain't bad.

    Many thanks are in order:

    RSP Racing - Thank you with all my heart for always being there for me throughout my track day and racing career. I've been your biggest fan for so long, and its seriously an honor to be a part of the team. Can't wait to fly the orange, black, and green next year.

    Josh Coombs - Garage Mom! Dude you have been not only a wealth of information over the last year, but a great friend. Thank you so much for having me in your garage, it was an honor!

    Roy Whitson - Dude where to start? Duking it out with you on the track while you were still a novice, bench racing in the garage. Couldn't ask for a better garage mate, thanks dude! I still intend to bench race with you when I come visit, and hopefully harass you on the track once I bump. Heal up dude! Can't wait for you to return

    Ashwin Narasimhan - I've missed your enthusiasm in the garage dude! Thanks for all the pep talks, bench racing, and battles on the track. I hope you're back next year!

    Mike Randi - Multi Year Novices! Thanks for always being there dude. You're always there with a helping hand or an ear to lend, and its been a blast racing with you! Lets try for AM next year k? Haha.

    BT1R & ECK - You guys are the best neighbors anyone could ask for. All the laughs, advice, help. Thanks again!

    Thanks also to all the LRRS staff, corner workers, grid marshalls, and paramedics. You guys make this place run like a top. Can't thank you enough!

    And of course the guys who make me go fast, Moto Pizza, Mad Scientist Moto, and MTAG Pirelli. Thanks!

    Missy - I always save you for last, because you're the best. I seriously couldn't do this without your support. Thank you for everything, I love you!

    1 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Last edited by BMMCBR; 10-03-16 at 10:15 PM.
    LRRS AM#721 / RSP Racing / MTAG Pirelli / Woodcraft / Sportbike Track Gear
    2003 Honda CBR600RR / 2009 Kawasaki ER6N / 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300

  2. #2
    Day late, dollar short carsick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: RSP Racing #606 Race Report - Rd 7 2016

    Nice. Good to see you, sorry to hear about the catching RSP thing, luckily I think they still have antiobiotics that can stop it. And you meet the nicest people on a LW, just remember that.

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    99 + 02 SV650 ex-race - 91 FJ1200 street - 03 KDX220R woods - 12 WR450F motard/ice

  3. #3
    Lifer Imbeek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: RSP Racing #606 Race Report - Rd 7 2016

    Congrats Brendan!

    If you go LW, there's a slight chance I might put my sv up for sale in the spring. Gotta think it thru but will let you know if I do

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