New England Streetriders is a motorcycling forum dedicated to all riders in the New England area. We are a meeting place for all things motorcycling and enjoy a very relaxed atmosphere with little censorship.

Please help us maintain this philosophy by taking the time to think "Am I using NESR for personal gain" when you start any thread regarding promotion, business advertising, fundraising etc.

While we encourage motorcyclists and especially our members to help each other out in times of need, please run these matters by the site administrators before you commence your campaign. This will ensure a safe and worry-free place for you to enjoy for years to come.

On a side note. NESR members hold an annual Drunk-A-Thon fundraiser for a worthy cause, decided each year - although this is not an official NESR event, for liability purposes. We have no control or responsibility for the validity of ANY fundraising effort that any member uses this forum to promote.