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Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jason P.'s Avatar
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    Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    This season I had convinced a few new people to give trackdays a try. At the end of the season needless to say they got hooked (a first timer ended up doing 5 this year) and anxiously looks forward to next season. I thought why not do an interview on them (one of my friends) and see how his first year went with prep, actual riding, learning and henceforth.

    I figured this would be a great way for new people interested in getting on track but not really sure what they can expect. My interview skills aren't great but I like using examples like this to get better at it. If not I hope this makes for a good read to kill time!

    Everyone remembers their ‘first’ for everything. First time riding a bicycle, first time sneaking out, your first kiss and maybe even that first … well you know. I remember my first track day to my first knee dragging. Back when I first started track riding things were just a little bit more complicated than they are now. Not too many people were into it, trailers weren’t abundant, finding a ride proved to be harder than going to Mars.

    Even with the setbacks I was glad I ventured onto my first track day. Fast forward to the end of the season at which point the day of dreaming arose: dragging my knee. I felt like something had exploded from my steed, flung off the ground and smacked me right back into the pucks. I looked down frantic, pulling my knee back into my body. Nothing was there, nothing visible at least. Back in the pits I saw new scrape marks on my pucks, I was truly overjoyed. I made everyone know what had just transpired.

    Being part of the Lo-Riderz to me meant lending a helping hand to all would be riders, track or street. With the knowledge I have built over the years I wanted to pass this on to other riders. Step in my longtime friend Sacha. I never knew he rode until I saw pictures of his machinery, but even at that point I blew him off for just another ‘Suzuki rider.’ He contacted me about some tire suggestions and thought my knowledge would help make the best decision for his bike, I guess that is where you say it all started for him becoming a track day rider.

    Jason Phan: Please state your full name and for the record spell your last name clearly …. (laughs) no I am just kidding. Tell me about yourself, any family, friend, hobbies aside from motorcycles?

    Sacha Tang: My name is Sacha I’m married and I have two beautiful kids. I live in Lowell, Ma. I used to really be into the import car scene. I did car shows up and down the east coast. I won a bunch of trophies and my car was featured in a few different import magazines. But that all changed once I was introduced into the world of motorcycles. I’m one of the newest members of Team Lo-Riderz and I am addicted to track!

    Jason Phan: Car shows? Let me guess a Honda no? Kidding! How long have you been riding?

    Sacha Tang: I’ve been riding off and on for about 3 years. To be honest I didn’t have many miles under my belt until this past season.

    JP: In that time what KIND of riding did you do mostly?

    ST: I did a lot of street riding and cruising around town most of time it was all by my lonesome (sobs). Not many of my friends owned a bike at the time and if they did they gave me every excuse possible why they couldn’t go riding. The “Wife” excuse was by far the most popular.

    JP: Don’t worry I hear far worse excuse on why people don’t ride, cant convince some people!

    JP: Have you ever heard of that group of riders posing up daily at the Dunkin Donuts (referring to Lo-Riderz & our love of coffee)?

    ST: I knew there was a group of guys that hung out at Dunkin Donuts but I was unaware they were called Lo-Riderz at that time. Whenever I was on Chelmsford Street I made sure I was in 2nd gear so they can hear my exhaust screaming as I passed by pinning the gas. They probably didn’t even notice me (laughs).

    JP: You were one of those revving their engines when they passed us huh!

    JP: What was your first impression of these bands of misfits up to no good?

    ST: A group of guys hanging out just shooting the shit working on modified bikes? I was slightly intimidated to say the least. I thought I was a good rider before being introduced to Lo-Riderz. Boy was I wrong. I was a total “noob” compared to these guys. From there on I became a sponge and absorbed all of the knowledge that was being passed on to me by the veteran riders.

    JP: Honestly I was the same way. A bunch of older guys on street bikes, they looked pretty badass and unapproachable to me! So before us did you have any idea what track riding was about?

    ST: I had no previous knowledge of what track riding was besides the fact it took place at a racetrack.

    JP: I know I talk about track riding A LOT; probably more than I should but did that make you want to try it even more?

    ST: Yeah, you’re definitely passionate about track riding and anything motorcycle related. To be honest I could have backed out but I knew if I did I would never hear the end of it. You had me convinced after my first group ride with Lo-Riderz to North Adams. I was hook after that!

    JP: North Adams is a fun ride for sure but if you thought that was fun then the track was simply next step!

    JP: Tell me how your experience was getting ready for the track?

    ST: Preparing for my first track day was the toughest because I didn’t own any of the required track gear prior to signing up for Tony’s Track Day. One week before track day I bought a one piece Dainese suit, gloves and race boots from a local vendor. There was no turning back after that. Bike prep wasn’t that bad but I did need help safety wiring my oil filter. The team walked me through all of proper track etiquettes. I was fortunate enough to have a friend that owned a truck and trailer so getting my bike to the track wasn’t a problem. All I needed to do was supply my own canyon dancer and harnesses. Now a days getting ready for track days is second nature. I have to admit I still get butterflies driving up to the track and I still have a hard time falling asleep the night before.

    JP: With the classroom time, tons of riders around, tons of track time, us for feedback and tips, did this make learning to ride better easier for you?

    ST: It definitely did. Being around knowledgeable riders made my learning experience so much easier and enjoyable. There were times when I came out of the classrooms a little confused but sure enough I asked a question and someone in the group had an answer for me. I was more comfortable asking a familiar face than raising my hand in class asking questions. Believe me I asked a lot of dumb questions. Never mention the use of rear brakes. You may get slapped!

    JP: I remember that day was raining, which sucked completely for everyone, but I also say a good rider needs to learn to ride in the rain, how was that affecting you? First track day and you had to go out?

    ST: At first I was like; just my luck torrential down pours my first freaking track day. I was actually more worried about ruining my brand new gear than I was about crashing my bike in the rain. After the second or third Red Group session had passed I was like screw it I’m going out. By the time I got ready and fully suited they were having an open session. I was able to follow my new team mates for a few laps before they all started lapping me. Damn you Dat Nguyen!

    JP: Now let’s get down to it – I know all day you learned a lot, once the track dried up you came back with a smile, I saw some puck scrapes on that shiny new leathers! How did that feel?

    ST: It scared the crap out of me the first time I scraped my knee at turn 3. But words couldn’t describe how I felt once I saw the new scrape marks on my right knee puck. I was smiling from ear to ear and announced it to my friends that were sitting in the garage area. I felt so accomplished and elated.

    JP: Same feelings I had my first time so I can believe you!

    JP: Aside from the highs, there was a low too, low side I believe. What happened?

    ST: (laughs) I knew this would come up sooner or later. I rode through the rain for a few sessions which really helped me learn throttle control. As the day progressed the sun came out and the track began to dry up. With every session I was getting slightly faster and little more comfortable on my bike. I told myself I was going to do one more session and call it a day. Quit while I was ahead. A few laps into my final session I was doing great and passing some of the slower riders. I’m like hey I’m pretty good at this I’m not the fastest but I’m not the slowest rider. Coming out of turn two as I straightened up my bike and a guy goes FLYING by me. I’m thinking hell no did that just happen? My first instinct was to pin the throttle and pass him back. I stayed right behind him going into turn 3. I braked hard, counter steered, leaned the bike and now I’m looking towards the fourth cone as my reference point. All of a sudden he goes from full speed to a turtles pace real quick. To avoid hitting him I grabbed my front brakes and that led to my bike washing out from under me. My Gixxer and I went right into the tire wall. I let my emotions get the best of me. Yup I low sided my first track day at turn 3 of NHMS. I felt so bad for my bike! I signed up for two more track days a few days after (laughs.)

    JP: But with a good mentality you came back in and bounced back up.

    JP: All in all the whole first track day saw a lot, rain, sun shine, knee dragging and even a crash, it must have been a success I say?

    ST: I couldn’t agree with you more.

    JP: I think, if I counted, you did another 4 more track days since then, and your riding has improved immensely. Did you think you would progress this fast? What do you think factored into it if any at all?

    ST: Not at all. I didn’t think in a million years I was going to progress like I did this season. I thought I was going to be in red group for at least a 2-3 seasons like some of the other riders. But with the proper support and a great team I was riding in Blue group by my last track day this season. It’s all thanks to Team Lo-Riderz. They are the biggest factor for my success and I wouldn’t dream of riding with anyone else.

    JP: So we can say your first year tracking was a good one?

    ST: It most certainly was!

    JP: Any plans over winter in prep for next season? I see a yellow R6 lingering around in the garage!

    ST: I have no knowledge of any yellow R6 50th Anniversary with low miles, exhaust and sprocket kit. 2015 I’ll probably just keep tracking my superior Gixxer that so many people hate on (laughs). With that being said I want to thank the whole Team Lo-Riderz for a fantastic first season. I want to thank all of the guys for helping me out and answering all of my questions whether big, small or stupid. I’m a better rider because of the team and for that Thank You! #gixxergang

    If you’re a new rider just cruising the streets and hitting those twisties hard then you might want to consider throwing in a track day in your near future. This interview, if anything other than provides entertainment should show that anyone who has no idea what track day riding is can just go, with the right guidance, and have a blast!

    I am glad to say the progression of Sacha is astounding for someone doing track days their first season. There was so much packed into this track day season that if there were more you need a few more notches on your belt to stuff them all in; different tracks, varying conditions, warm, cold, raining, sun showers, knee dragging, fairing dragging, it had it all. All this aided him into becoming a faster rider on the tracks and a safer rider on the streets.

    If you are still debating on going out for your first track day debate no more and sign up once winter is clear!

    The formatting from my original blog post: Spotlight Sacha Tang: The Track Story | On Two Wheels didn't format as well over here but if you want to see the regular article just go there.

    I am hoping over the winter months to do a few more of these so that people can get a sense of what to expect when going for their first trackday. Hope you all enjoyed it.

    *Photos removed - will add photos once acquired.

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    Last edited by Jason P.; 11-25-14 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Where is my fast? GixerJockey's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Someone who's going to read that, post the cliffs.

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  3. #3
    Changes come butcher bergs's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by GixerJockey View Post
    Someone who's going to read that, post the cliffs.
    Trackdays are fun!

    Check out my blog and also the "free" photos from On Track Media

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  4. #4
    Bizarro Zoolander Petorius's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    This sounds like a great idea for a blog, I would have ate that up a year ago. Is this the gist of your blog, Jason? I cant click at work.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Jason P.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by butcher bergs View Post
    Trackdays are fun!

    Check out my blog and also the "free" photos from On Track Media
    Ha Yea that pretty much is the cliff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Petorius View Post
    This sounds like a great idea for a blog, I would have ate that up a year ago. Is this the gist of your blog, Jason? I cant click at work.
    the link only shows it with the photos reformatted so it doesn't look all weird but the text is the same.

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  6. #6
    Bizarro Zoolander Petorius's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason P. View Post
    the link only shows it with the photos reformatted so it doesn't look all weird but the text is the same.
    Sounds like a good theme for a whole blog, not just one post. Getting into the track scene is intimidating/hard if you are going it alone.

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  7. #7
    Where is my fast? GixerJockey's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by butcher bergs View Post
    Trackdays are fun!

    Check out my blog and also the "free" photos from On Track Media
    Seems ligit. Thanks.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Jason P.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Petorius View Post
    Sounds like a good theme for a whole blog, not just one post. Getting into the track scene is intimidating/hard if you are going it alone.
    definitely couldn't agree more. i've recently just changed it to be all about motorcycles so hoping to create more articles so people can learn from mine and other's past experiences so they don't have to feel overwhelmed.

    no money is to be made from my blogs, just for pure fun

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  9. #9
    Changes come butcher bergs's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason P. View Post
    Ha Yea that pretty much is the cliff.
    I wasn't saying it to be funny as I find myself questioning the integrity of people who will gladly start to pump their blog as a non-supporter of this forum. The real issue I have, however, are with the folks who gleefully copy watermarked photos to use as their own on said blog (or anywhere for that matter).

    The blog thing isn't much of my concern but to have a photographer sitting out there for 10-12 hrs a day with $3000 in equipment...? Think about supporting those folks while you and your buddies are having all the fun circling the track.

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  10. #10
    Bizarro Zoolander Petorius's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Or is it free advertising for OTM?

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  11. #11
    Changes come butcher bergs's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Petorius View Post
    Or is it free advertising for OTM?

    You have a great point.

    I think it would be way more beneficial to make sure we all provide free advertising for OTM by taking the watermarked pics from the website. At least with all that free advertitsing that OTM will be getting, they will have no other way to recoup any of the money spent on media passes, fuel for travel, lodging, food, broken equipment.........well except for the complete fools who actually choose to pay for those photographs.

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  12. #12
    Bizarro Zoolander Petorius's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Ya, I actually do agree with you. And I will say that it felt oddly good forking over the cash when I bought an action shot from him. Back on topic..

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  13. #13
    Senior Member Jason P.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by butcher bergs View Post
    I wasn't saying it to be funny as I find myself questioning the integrity of people who will gladly start to pump their blog as a non-supporter of this forum. The real issue I have, however, are with the folks who gleefully copy watermarked photos to use as their own on said blog (or anywhere for that matter).

    The blog thing isn't much of my concern but to have a photographer sitting out there for 10-12 hrs a day with $3000 in equipment...? Think about supporting those folks while you and your buddies are having all the fun circling the track.
    Quote Originally Posted by butcher bergs View Post

    You have a great point.

    I think it would be way more beneficial to make sure we all provide free advertising for OTM by taking the watermarked pics from the website. At least with all that free advertitsing that OTM will be getting, they will have no other way to recoup any of the money spent on media passes, fuel for travel, lodging, food, broken equipment.........well except for the complete fools who actually choose to pay for those photographs.

    I definitely agree with you. At the time of my posting all I could find was these watermarked photos. Of course supporting your local photographers is a great benefit to both parties, they get to do what they love doing, you get some rather astounding photos of you at track. I will take it upon myself for not using a wtrmrk photo(s) in future postings.

    It wasn't my intention with this post but simply a write up of someone's experience from their first season on track.

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  14. #14

    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    too long

    (that's what she said)

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  15. #15
    Lifer Ken C's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Sasha's first TD experience sure was filled with the gambit of possible outcomes. I was hoping to hear more about how awesome the TD organization is, though...and the instructors.

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  16. #16
    Senior Member Jason P.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken C View Post
    Sasha's first TD experience sure was filled with the gambit of possible outcomes. I was hoping to hear more about how awesome the TD organization is, though...and the instructors.
    Haha Ken let's be honest you guys throw on a heck of a TD, I bet Sacha learned a lot in class. Besides from some of our guys it's known that it'a hard following you on track!

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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason P. View Post
    Haha Ken let's be honest you guys throw on a heck of a TD, I bet Sacha learned a lot in class. Besides from some of our guys it's known that it'a hard following you on track!
    Oh, I'll slow down for you all.

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  18. #18
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    That was a very good write up. I've been thinking about doing a track day since I started riding 2 years ago. That interview has brought out some of that interest again. While a I don't have a "sport" bike per say, im sure my FZ8 would suffice to get my feet wet. And maybe swapping out the road 4s for something a little more sticky. I've tried to talk friends into going through it with me but no one seems to show much interest in the idea. It'd be pretty intimidating for me to just pack up my bike and fly solo to a track day with no real idea of what im getting myself into. Reading about track days can only help so much.

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  19. #19
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swizz View Post
    That was a very good write up. I've been thinking about doing a track day since I started riding 2 years ago. That interview has brought out some of that interest again. While a I don't have a "sport" bike per say, im sure my FZ8 would suffice to get my feet wet. And maybe swapping out the road 4s for something a little more sticky. I've tried to talk friends into going through it with me but no one seems to show much interest in the idea. It'd be pretty intimidating for me to just pack up my bike and fly solo to a track day with no real idea of what im getting myself into. Reading about track days can only help so much.
    You'd be surprised how much the new rider classroom will help on the first day and the staff are always there to help with any questions! It may seem intimidating, but with all of the right preparation (bringing all your gear, food, gas, etc) it can be super easy to get right into the track life and get the IV planted!

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  20. #20
    Lifer isaac_'s Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swizz View Post
    That was a very good write up. I've been thinking about doing a track day since I started riding 2 years ago. That interview has brought out some of that interest again. While a I don't have a "sport" bike per say, im sure my FZ8 would suffice to get my feet wet. And maybe swapping out the road 4s for something a little more sticky. I've tried to talk friends into going through it with me but no one seems to show much interest in the idea. It'd be pretty intimidating for me to just pack up my bike and fly solo to a track day with no real idea of what im getting myself into. Reading about track days can only help so much.
    Your street bike on your DOT's will be more than enough your first day at the track. I waited 3 years before doing a track day. At the time I didn't have any friends that rode. I wish I had gotten over the fear of flying solo much earlier because since I took the plunge, I haven't looked back. You'll meet plenty of people willing to show you the ropes as long as you're willing to listen. In the spring post-up a ride share thread if you need help getting to the track.

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  21. #21
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    FZ8 with Road 4's would be excellent for a first track day. I was on Road-something's my first day. At the risk of telling the story too many times, my V-Strom garaged with a Harley and a fookin' Gold Wing.

    Just do it. Like, yesterday.

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  22. #22
    Bizarro Zoolander Petorius's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    All you really need to worry about is having the appropriate gear (leathers, boots, gloves, helmet, back protector) and a way to get the bike to/from the track. You can even ride to a TD, but I wouldn't suggest this for the first one. If you can get as far as the front gate with your bike and gear in tow, the rest will happen automatically. PLEASE shoot me a PM if you have questions while preparing for your first TD. I went through all this recently and would love to give back to the track community after all the help I received.

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  23. #23
    Lifer Trouble's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Quote Originally Posted by nhbubba View Post
    Just do it. Like, yesterday.
    This. My first track day was on my FZ6 with street tires. In the pouring rain. It was awesome!!! Clearly I became an addict.

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  24. #24
    Lifer Ken C's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    I have a bunch of track day related articles in the Riding in the Zone website that may be helpful.www.ridinginthezone.com- motorcycle track days

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    Last edited by Ken C; 12-24-14 at 10:04 PM.

  25. #25
    Member Swizz's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Wanted To Try a TD?

    Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I really appreciate all the help and suggestions. When the time comes and the season draws closer I'll definitely have more questions for a lot of you guys. I'll make my own thread for that, i don't wanna keep hijacking Jason's interview and make it about my first track day.

    Ken C - thank you for the link, i have been doing a lot of research of track day related stuff and stumbled upon your articles several times, every little bit helps.

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