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Harley Ass hole trys to kill sportbiker

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    Harley Ass hole trys to kill sportbiker

    My son Russ found this cruzing some forums, someone actualy bragged about doing this

    Look, I'm just a regular guy who likes nothing better that ridin' his Sportie around on nice weekends and downing the occasional cold one with the guys. But some of my "fellow" motorcyclists just piss me off with the way they behave. Case in point:
    I was tooling along route 69 (a real nice two-lane road) Saturday in my pickup, bringing my bike back from the shop where I'd stored it, figuring that it'll be warm enough to ride again pretty soon here in Virginia. In my rearview mirrors I saw three bright lights aways back that were catching up pretty quick. Turns out they were what you'd call "crotch-rockets" and they blew by me on a double yellow like I was standing still. They kind of unnerved me and they must've scared the hell out of the guy driving the motorhome in front of me because he jerked kind of hard to his right when they blew by him. Don't these idiots realize they scare and piss off car drivers with those high speeds and dangerous passes?

    A mile or so down the road, I passed them. They'd stopped at the turnout at Wyman's River bridge to look at the falls. They were the kind of guys I see all the time around here, terrorizing the pants off regular people. You've seen them too: Full leather suits like they were racers or something, neon helmets, plastic bikes with graphics all over them (I couldn't tell what kind. I'm not up on crotch-rockets and they all look the same to me. Sorry.) One of them had a pony tail. Anyway, I went on and another five miles or so down the road I saw them coming up again in my rear-views.

    Well, this time I thought I'd give them a little lesson in driving etiquette, so just as they started to pass me, I swerved to the left. The lead rider must have freaked right out, 'cause he bounced off my left rear fender and went sailing off the road into the woods. He only went about 30 feet before he hit a tree and went down. Just like that, smack! I could see he was staying down, too! Served him right!

    The second and third guys managed to stay up. They both stopped but one of them waved to the other to go after me while he checked out the guy who'd crashed. So one of the jerks tried chasing me down. But hey, I've got my rights and my carry permit, so when he pulled up along side me, motioning me to stop, all I had to do was point my Glock out the window at him. Didn't even have to fire. He hit the brakes so hard I thought he had a rope tied to him. Ha! Guess he learned he'd better have more firepower than a plastic Jap bike to take me out.

    Anyway, I guess I feel a little bad about the guy who crashed, but only a little. He had it coming. He would have lasted longer if I hadn't taught him his lesson, but not much, I'll bet. You all should consider thanking me for taking one more boy-racer threat off the roads and improving the public image of us regular God-fearing bikers.

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  2. #2
    Angry Gumball RandyO's Avatar
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    Harley Ass hole trys to kill sportbiker

    Last summer on a ride in Vermont, with Roy A. (right after he got his mille) and some other guy (I don't remember his name) on a Duc, Roy was leading and passed a green Aerostar, there wasn't enuf space left for me to get by, so I waited for the next oppoprtunity which turned out to be a marked passing zone, just as I got even with his rear bumper, he yanked the minivan completely on to the left lane, like 6" in front of me, I backed off, and tried passing him again, he made it obvious that he wasn't going to let me pass, so I just backed off and stayed about 5 seconds behind the asshole, soon, we caught up with traffic and he caught up with Roy, he tailgated Roy for a couple miles before Roy just pulled over and let the asshole go by.

    In hind sight, I shulda just pulled over, called the VT state police on my cell phone.


    Last spring, on my trip to deals gap, myself as well as several others on the trip experienced assholes (almost all of them drive red ford pickups) that jerked their trucks on to the shoulder then quickly back on dragging and spraying gravel all over the place in front of us. It was obvious that they had the technique perfected.

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    A man with a gun is a citizen
    A man without a gun is a subject LETS GO BRANDON

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    Harley Ass hole trys to kill sportbiker

    While I guess I have fallen victim to a hoax. I apologize for the posting.
    I looked at it, and from first hand experience the amount animosity that Harley riders seem to have for other riders and the gereral public,, Not to say this is true of all of them, as no generalities are true of all people. I was out riding this past fall down in Pa. around the Allegheny State park. twisty roads. sport bike heaven. I rounded a corner and ran into a long line of cars and 3 dump trucks. posted speed was 45mph, average traffic speed was normally around 55mph.. Here slowing down the dump trucks and a line of 7 cars were a group of about 10 Harley riders..going you guessed it about 40mph.. The dump truck drivers were pissed because they coundn't pass them because of how windy the road was. The cars coundn't get around the trucks.. I was able to pass each of the cars one at a time. when I caught the trucks the guys wavied me on when I had a clean shot. I caught the Harley *******s and do you think they would even share the lane with me..Nope. I had to pass each one by going over the yellow line... If these *******s want to go slow fine, but pull over once in awhile to let traffic by.. I think for them it was more of a power trip than anything else.. In other words look at me.. this seems to be more important to these guys than riding .. The story posted seems to fit with most of the mentality of Harley riders, that I have encountered.. but I am biased. Sorry for the post again but I am sure that for everyone of us that was pissed while readin it, somewere else someone was cheering for the truck driver

    orginal post http://www.net1plus.com/users/holbrook/april196.htm

    [Edited on 12/18/01 by plasticweld]

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  4. #4
    Lifer GadgettR1's Avatar
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    Harley Ass hole trys to kill sportbiker

    Well not all Harley riders are dickheads like the ones mentioned above... while I love my R1 and all the other "jap" bikes I've owned I do enjoy riding with the occassional group of Harleys (not for the riding but for the partying we tend to do) most of them once they get by the fact that you ride a "jap" bike (I usually get through that by asking anyone of them if they'd like to race) they're pretty decent and fun guys. But the afore mentioned assholes need a good beatin! And as much as I'd love to pop some asshole who'd dare try to run me or anyone else I'm riding with off the road or pull a gun on us it's even more fun to see the dickhead pulled over by a cop and getting arrested for doing it. I've chased a few dickheads on my bike that have tried to squeeze me out of a pass and one real asshole who ran a redlight and almost t-boned me! But ya gotta remember in a collision a bike won't win with a car....

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  5. #5
    Don't bother me! R7's Avatar
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    Harley Ass hole trys to kill sportbiker

    Yeah, that ones been around a while. I remember reading a year or so ago. It just got posted to the R6messagenet yesterday as well.

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