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Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    I am reminded of a line from one of Burt Reynolds cheap car chase movies, in which Burt is talking to Warren Beatty who plays the sheriff. "There are only two things I am afraid of, women and the POOLICE." This is a story about the police.
    My best friend had also just got himself a new sport bike. an R1 made by Yamaha. It is a 150 HP 400-pound motorcycle top speed 203-MPH. We went out to take a ride and try each other's bikes out. I figured that we would put a few miles behind us then switch bikes. I had already ridden his bike the other week. I would need a little bit of a head start to get away from him and not let my bike new look to bad. My bike at 500 pounds and 130 HP and a top speed of 170mph. I would need a few extra seconds for a start. I came down to the bottom of the hill, I figured that I would get a good head start on him by hitting it hard and putting some distance between us right from the start. This as you know is only a 30mph zone but and empty stretch of road that leads up the hill and out of town. I twisted the throttle and pegged the revs at 11,000, which shuts the bike off for me to shift, speed about 60mph. I banged the gears and put into second and just kept it pegged; now doing about 100mph. Red lines again and I go for 3rd coming into the first corner I am doing about 115mph and just beginning to let off a little to make the corner. This I will have to admit was a little on the dumb side, the bike handled the speed well but my line of sight was not far enough ahead for this speed. Needless to say a State Trooper happens to becoming down the hill and around the corner just ahead of me. I locked up the brakes and got the bike slowed down to about 45mph still 15 over the speed limit. The problem was that in the process I had locked both front and back brakes sending up a puff of smoke from both tires, sure to catch his attention. He went by me and I didn't know if he was going to turn around or not. I nailed it again and figured if nothing else to put some space behind us. I dialed it up to about a 100mph and went up the hill to the stoplight. When I got stopped at the light David who had been behind me in the corner and saw my tires smoke up had enough chance to get slowed down, he saw in his rear view mirror that the trooper was tuning around. He then speed up to about 150mph to catch me, at the light he pulled up next to me locking up his brakes and said out of breath Heee's!! coming." He raced off and I did the best I could to keep up. I had the speedometer on my bike pegged at 165mph. David was walking away from me and I couldn't even begin to keep up. He pulled out and passed 3 Porsche 911s who were on traveling together, must have been on their way to some club event. Dave passed them on a corner, he said he had been doing 196mph as he went by. By the time I had caught the three 911s they must have decided to bump up the speed not wanting to be out done by the sportbike. I am still roaring along at about 160 when I came up on the cars which were now all doing about 130 to 140 mph. These guys having no idea that they were in the middle of a police chase. It took me a minute to figure out why it was taking so long to get by these guys. Each one had a grin from ear to ear as I passed. I crested up over the hill and notice that my friend had hit the brakes and turned on his signal to let me know we were taking the next left which was and old dirt road that lead across the hill behind the track. I got the bike slowed down and made the corner being careful not to leave any sign of our turning into the road. We pulled up further down the road where we could watch the entrance and still have a good head start if the cop somehow figured out that we made the turn. We waited about five minutes, no cops. I decided the best thing was to put some miles behind us, was on back roads. After going about five or six miles I slowed down and waited for my buddy who was a couple hundred yards behind me. As we were talking when a woman came out of here driveway and asked us if we were just in the town. I told her "yeah" She said "Someone is looking for you guys" with a big smile" She told us that she had heard on the scanner that the local sheriff and State police were now out searching the roads for us. I told Dave to go in one direction and that I would go in another. The only description they had where of two motorcycles traveling at a high speed together. Two thoughts crossed my mind as I headed home in a very round about way, first fuck John Benell from the show Wild Police Chases and his line of shit of "Look at these crazy people who thought they could out run the police," and then second of Burt Reynolds line "There are only two things I am afraid of women and the Poolice…

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  2. #2
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Center Barnstead, NH

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    Dude...are you smoking bingo-sticks with that coffee of yours??? Got a lot to say this morning, eh?

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    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    Stoneman I just used cut and past, off one of the stories on my site. I wrote that,, will I say work of fiction, a while ago. after reading the last post in the other thread Harley rider kills sportbike rider, got me to thinking about passing cars and thier reaction... Thought I would share the story, figured you guys would get a kick out it.

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  4. #4
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    Center Barnstead, NH

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    Thought I would share the story, figured you guys would get a kick out it.
    I definitely got a kick outta it. Reminds me of a similar thing that happened to me this past summer, sans pooolice...

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    Always looking for good stories to post on our site. I just file any of them under the fiction department, but I can't be the only one who has a good fiction story to tell,,

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  6. #6
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Center Barnstead, NH

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    I could probably think up thousands of fiction (not true) stories to tell. It's the non-fiction (true) that I like!!!

    BTW-I was checkin' out your work on your site. Dem's some nice repairs you guys are puttin' through your shop!!!

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    up state New York

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    Stoneman, I have worded all of my stories as fiction,, Seems like for some reason I have a bad reputation in my neck of the woods for exceeding the speed limit and not pulling over. Local LEOs know of my business and my customers., They are also not shy about telling their buddies about my place.. There has been more than one occasion were a outlaw motorcyclist did not stop.. " I have the police scanner on all the time" and ten minutes later they drop by to chat.. Not easy living in a small town sometimes..Thanks for the compliments on the work

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  8. #8
    Kosher Assassin Stoneman's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Center Barnstead, NH

    Racing three 911s ,All duels with cars are not bad

    I hear ya, Bob! I grew up in a (then) small town too. And whenever there was trouble with "the crazy kids on those loud dirt bikes" or "hopped up loud cars", the poooolice were at my parents' doorstep.....

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!
    Did you grit your teeth and try to look like Clint Fuckin' Eastwood?
    Or did you lisp it all hangfisted like a fuckin' flower?

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