Just got back from a moderate rip on the VFR800 for about 70 miles up through Barnstead across Alton and back. Yes these places are in NH. This is really the first time on a VFR for me and I am impressed. I do get jostled around when riding hard on tight twisties with frost heaves, but that's to be expected on a light bike with more or less a sport suspension, and a short wheel base. The turbo that kicks in at 6500 takes some getting use to, but overall a very zippy well planted bike. It doesn't seem to like the lower end of the tack and feels constipated when forced to accelerate at those low revs.
But, all in all, I see why these bikes are so popular.
It can't measure up to most categories compared to what I usually ride, but it's also 1/3 the price.

Did I mention that this is the bike in the Classifieds??