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771 Racing - Early end to the season

  1. #1
    Lifer Kurlon's Avatar
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    Waterboro ME

    771 Racing - Early end to the season

    TLDR - Crashed in T1, blew the end of my collar bone apart, season done

    -= Warning, some whiny crap below! =-

    Slightly less condensed version - I arrived slightly later than I wanted Friday thanks to lingering work issues but still with enough time to leisurely get my bike through tech and my pit setup the way I like. That evening it was social time.

    Saturday my game plan was to use the improvements I made last round as a base for further improvements this round. My hope was to push up some of my brake markers, T1 in particular. Normally I start my preturn around the 3 board, and close the throttle at the same point, my braking and downshifting is done right before I cross the transition. AKA way the hell too soon. My target roll speed feels decent, but I'm throwing time away coasting into the turn. 1st practice I tried inching my brake marker forward but my brain was having none of it, cross the three board and either brake or risk imminent death was all that would flash through my head. Fine, 2nd practice I opted for a new tact, same marker, less brakes, with a goal of trailing all the way into the corner. Once comfortable with that THEN start sneaking up the marker. This seemed to work for me, I was able to hit the same target roll speed but do so with light brake from the 3 board to the apex, cool. My next opportunity to refine this would be the GTL, a perfect time to put practice into muscle memory.

    Saturday, Race 2 - GTL - I got an OK start and very quickly settled into 3rd place. Rick was slowly walking away from me but I was putting the improvements in BP, exit roll on and better T1 brake strat to use and my lap times reflected it. I eventually started feeling pressure from behind, at first it was just a suspicion but I then heard motors behind me going into turns and I knew someone was back there but no idea who. For three laps I cranked out 1:21.3s not wanting to give up my spot. On my last run out of 12 someone tried to show me a wheel on the inside but A-ko had enough legs to keep me in the lead. Once again I dipped into T1 knowing the pressure was on, and I went slightly wide.

    Now, for reference I have a nasty habit of riding more by instinct than strict reference points. It's held me back before but my pace was such that I could normally safely recover. In particular I have a bad habit of running 1 a touch wide, which is stupid considering I'm coasting in normally. I'm aware there is a bump in T1, but coasting over it I've never really felt it. This time I was trail braking, carrying a bit more steam and at my bike's mechanical lean limit.

    I hit the bump and immediately lost the front. Low sided the machine and I barrel rolled off the track. Turns out I had more than just an angry AM TZ250 behind me, the leaders had joined the lil pack of riders I was holding up so I ended up making Rick Doucette go wide to avoid me. Ooops! Fortunately my off didn't trigger a chain effect crash to the rest of the freight train. I got to spend some quality time with the T1 corner workers, thank you for the water and dealing with pissed off and sore racer stupidity. John Linn ended up pushing my bike back to the garage for me, I owe you!

    Back in the pits I was 'directed' to visit the medical center by friends due to a nasty looking bump on my shoulder. They diagnosed it as a good bruise but no dislocation as I could push with my arm so ice and tylenol was all that should be needed. Dana, Dan and his girlfriend, Mo, Jim Rich, Lili-Ann and others all took awesome care of me and packed my stuff for me despite my foolish claims that I could at least do some of it. Plus they had to put up with my OCD on what went where, what order to do stuff in, I'm surprised they didn't just knock me out and packed me to go home via UPS instead. Later on Lorna's family tried to fatten me up before I left. Even Larry who's recovering from his own busted collar bone was offering to help. I owe my LRRS family big time for all the help.

    I just got back from the first specialist. Not too impressed, and he made his opinion on motorcycles VERY clear during the 10 minutes he spent on me. I blew apart the arm end of my collar bone inside the tendon ball. He doesn't believe it's operable and wants to just let it run it's course. There is a decent chance because of how it's broken and where it is that it won't heal on it's own at which point he'd have to operate. But if it's not operable now what would change I wonder? Chance of overall loss of motion and the lump on my shoulder is permanent. I've got a follow up in 2 weeks, estimate is 6 weeks to heal with therapy possibly starting in 2. In the mean time I'm getting a referral for a 2nd opinion with OA, the same crew who put my hand back together in 2008.

    Damage to the bike isn't too bad... rashed up fairings, shattered wind screen, bent front fairing stay, ripped off left side rearset, ground down the timing cover and left side clip on, slight tail rash were the main items I saw. I haven't gone over A-ko with a fine toothed comb yet though. My primary concern is she ran on her side for a few moments which can be catastrophic for the bottom end. I've got my fingers crossed that I didn't damage the crank as that's a hard item to source now. I've got lines on the other bits but will wait to see what my medical bills are first before spending on the bike.

    Net result, I'm done for the season. This makes 4 tries at doing a complete LRRS season that I've come up short, either due to mechanicals or injuries. I'm currently leading ULSB but don't have enough of a points gap to carry that lead to the end of the season without being on track. I'm 2nd in GTL and LWGP but will loose those as well. Bah.

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  2. #2

    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Before I read all this. Season is not done. You can skip next round but you better be there in October sir.

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  3. #3

    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Ok now I read it all. Help up feel better my dude. You had an amazing season so far. I hope to see you at the grids soon again.
    It's been an amazing experience racing with you 2 years in a row. Hoping for a 3rd one in 2015.

    Thank you for all your help and for not getting sick of me asking a million questions. I really appreciate all you have done for me man.

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  4. #4
    Lifer Kurlon's Avatar
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    Waterboro ME

    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Quote Originally Posted by tsorfas View Post
    Before I read all this. Season is not done. You can skip next round but you better be there in October sir.
    Oh, it's crossed my mind. I even have one person suggest I do the equivalent of a parade lap and pit in just to score points. I need a bunch of new gear, I won't have the parts in time to fix the bike, and I don't think stressing while trying to get my shoulder working or blowing my budget to hell is the optimal path forward for 2015. I'm going to play long ball on this one.

    Plus, if I rush it and crash in October, I'll be sleeping on the couch for an extended duration. If I do so and re-injure my shoulder I may be looking for a job while living in your basement.

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  5. #5
    Lifer gixxer72's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    That sucks, hope you heal up soon!

    My 12 year old son snapped his left clavicle a couple weeks ago at summer req, we went to OA for a 2nd opinion as well. They are plating and screwing the bones back together tomorrow, as there was more than an inch of separation. Very glad we went to OA, they seem like a great crew. I can sympathize with your injury, he's driving me crazy asking when he can get on his bike, shoot hoops, etc...

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  6. #6

    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    I got plenty of gear you can use for a parade lap bro. And my basement is spacey lol

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  7. #7
    Day late, dollar short carsick's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Ah, that sucks Josh! I hope you either heal quicker than expected or get the surgery with the second opinion. As for the bike, we all know any repairs will just lead to more trickery...

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  8. #8
    Lifer burnham's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Sorry to hear this. I just had surgery to repair an AC separation. It was T1 for me too, and I'm pretty sure that's it for my season.

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  9. #9
    Large member Larry's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Sorry to hear about the collar bone. I started with the center section broken out, then split in two halves lengthwise and pointing in odd directions. Maine Medical Partners (Dr. Camuso) took good care of me with 2 plates and 16 screws (he would not put in a crumple zone as requested) just about 2 weeks ago and I have regained most of my range of motion already. Hope you heal quick and get back out there!
    771 Racing - Early end to the season-iphonedump8-19-14-072-jpg771 Racing - Early end to the season-iphonedump8-19-14-104-jpg

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  10. #10
    Lifer Kurlon's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Fun! Did he at least let you choose your choice of color anodizing?

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  11. #11
    Lifer jasnmar's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    Sorry to hear about this Josh.

    Get things reassembled quickly.

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  12. #12
    Senior Member MarkMarine's Avatar
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    This sucks Josh.
    I have extensive experience with this, you need to find a specialist that isn't judgemental about racing and understands that your quality of life will be effected if you can't ride. The ones like what you described, spending time telling you their thoughts about racing, will go so far as to not operate knowing your outcome won't allow you to race again (under the guise of "helping" you.) I've seen three doctors do that to me personally, and I always triple check IMMEDIATELY with two other doctors, because if a surgical outcome will help you need it right away before the bone starts to knit. Get a doc that understands you're an athlete, this is your sport, and not being able to do it will drastically effect QOL. They get it when you explain that to them usually. That's why I have an artificial hip at 33, because the doc didn't go in and try to rotate my femur ball up until he found good cartilage, making my legs uneven length, and putting me on crutches for 2 years. Because that was their first choice. I had surgery in Nov, was on the race track in April for round 1.
    Go get a second and third opinion until you find someone that gets it. And curse that doc out if he gave you BS info.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: 771 Racing - Early end to the season

    That sucks.

    I think it goes without saying that a proper professional would stow their moral opinions while applying treatment. What a fucker.

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