FRIDAY: Spent most of the day at the Penguin School. Most of the day was spent doing 'follow the leader' sessions, but we got some open practice in toward the end of the day. My practice times (I'm told) were in the 1:35-1:39 range. There were a coupla people there keeping an eye on me, but the times are unofficial...

SATURDAY: Cold, rainy, windy and generally shitty as hell. I opted to bow out due to the fact I had no rain tires. Okay, I just totally wussed out. But no rain tires is still a good excuse...

I did do the rookie race though, and I THINK I did fairly well. I was gridded in the first row of the second wave and got the hole shot. When I realized this, I figured everyone behing me knew something I didn't so I let up a bit too much setting up for T-1. DOH! Three bikes whizzed by me! I managed to get a couple of 'em back and managed to catch up and pass a rider from the first wave (sorry Mike!). Sweet thing was that I picked off TWO of 'em at the same time. What a feeling, I tell ya!

I was told that I placed 6th, but I can't say for sure. I know Gary placed 2nd, and I was no where near him. I think Bob was in front of me on his 748, and I know that another Duc and an SV overtook me too. But that's about all I can recall about it...

SUNDAY: Sucked it up and entered the Heavy Weight Superbike race. Rather than get in some practice laps, we opted to try to fix a stumble I was getting. As it turned out, we actually made things worse and couldn't straighten it out in time for my race. DNS, but I did try to get out there. I could barely limp the thing around for the warm-up lap. Figured rather than risk taking someone out, I should bow out. Turns out the corner workers picked up on my bike running like shit 'cuz some folks back at the pit heard 'em talkin' about me over the scanner...

I learned my first lesson of racing this weekend: If it's good enough to run, DON'T FUCK WITH IT 'TIL *AFTER* YOUR RACES!!!

And to echo G-man: Big props goes out to the whole NESR Racing crew. Ya'll did an incredible job this weekend!